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skills you can use


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-know how to paint

-know how to get a full night's sleep with just 4 or less hours of sleep

-know how to haggle the asian street-vendor way

-know how to track-stand with the wheel pointed to the left

-on that same note, know how to skid pushing my right foot down

-know how to not procrastinate

-know how to speak japanese fluently

-know how to speak arabic fluently would also be a plus

-know how to play the piano like the monk

-know how to draw

-know how to not be ADD when i'm drunk

-know how to cook indonesian food

yay indo food!

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how fun!!!!!!!!!

1) basic wilderness and emergency survival skills - maybe

2) basic first aid- yes?

3) fighting - noooooooooo

4) self-defense - I took a class when I was like seven, yes?

5) speak english, french - yes

6) play and perform a musical instrument - yes, five!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#Z4x5dc6f7g8yh9uji

7) know how to dance the major ballroom and latin dancing styles. - not all, tango, zamba, waltz

8) know how to swim and tread water -yes

9) know worldwide current events

10) know world history - yes

11) know how to cook - no

12) know how to sew - no, terribleeeeeeeeeeee

13) know tactical driving - yes? theres not much to know

14) high level of physical fitness - not "high" yes

15) know how to sail - no

16) know how to use firearms - kind of

17) know domestic construction and repair techniques - no

18) know basic electrical theory - yes

19) know basic accounting, economics, investing and how financial markets work - no

20) street smarts - know how scams, hustles, and juxes work. - not really

21) know how to repair and maintain a car (change oil, change tires, change brakes, etc.) - no

22) know how to ride a motorcycle - no

23) know how to hotwire a car - kind of, never tried it

24) know the basic concepts behind the major religions of the world - yes

25) know how to gamble - no

26) know how to kick game to a girl - sure

27) know how to be an incredible lover - absoultely

28) know how to ski or snowboard - yes

29) know how to give a very good massage - no

30) know how to meditate - working on it

31) play decent chess - kind of

32) play decent pool - yes

33) know how to skateboard - yes

34) being able to sing well - kind of

35) being able to mix popular drinks and cocktails - no

36) understanding of human psychology for use in coercion and negotiation - yes

37) know how to use a camera and basic photographic composition - yes

38) know how to drink heavily while keeping control over yourself - yes, I don't really drink much anymore though

39) know how to draw - kind of.

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know how to perform magic, and amuses people (well, girls to be exact). Ive tried performing once to a couple of friends, and at the end of the day, the guys look up to you and the girls are trying so hard to get your attention by asking questions of how to perform the trick. But as a magician, I've been sworn to secrecy:rolleyes:

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  • 7 months later...

good thread.

-learn to do bansai

-learn to play piano (equal part classical, equal part commercial)

-learn to recognise when girls like me (could be a double-edged sword though - what if they never do!)

-learn to snowboard (hopefully in Japan at Christmas)

-cosign on learning to fish

-learn to kickflip

-learn to take a good photo with my point 'n' shoot

-learn to commit to things instead of procrastinating

-learn to edit photos in photoshop better

-learn to cook better (i used to be ok but living at home as seen my skills wain)

-learn psychology like Derren Brown


recently crossed learning to make satay sauce Balinese style off my list. cant get enough of that stuff.

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