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stainless steel chopsticks

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I used to own a pair. I got them as a gift from a business partner. The idea of feeling your teeth scraping along the metal of the chopsticks to me is the worst in the world. It goes far beyond fingernails on a blackboard. That is all.

I'll let you have them for free if I can find them.

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I used to own a pair. I got them as a gift from a business partner. The idea of feeling your teeth scraping along the metal of the chopsticks to me is the worst in the world. It goes far beyond fingernails on a blackboard. That is all.

I'll let you have them for free if I can find them.

How is this different than a fork?

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pm dizzhizz for a Korean proxy on stainless chopsticks. He could probably nab you about 20 pair for free from his company cafeteria or a department store basement if you pay the shipping.

Dismal is on point. I can steal as many as you want from my company cafeteria or from the likes of Kims Club (wholesale supermart).

IMO - Korean chopsticks are quite difficult to manuever for the average round eye. I'm very fond of Japanese chopsticks, as the wood and sharpened ends make it easier to pick at food while Chinese chopsticks are just too long and wide but make for an easy grab at the tables.

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Lot of strange myths flying around about steel chopsticks. What makes them different from forks or spoons when rubbing against the teeth? Korean ones are tricky to use though unless you've been using them a long time. But I have seen Koreans who can hold a metal spoon and chopsticks in one hand and change back and forth as necessary without involving the other hand.

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But I have seen Koreans who can hold a metal spoon and chopsticks in one hand and change back and forth as necessary without involving the other hand.

This is pro-level shit that whitey just don't know. +rep

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i personally also prefer Japanese chopsticks, much less clumsy and i have seen more chinese use stainless chopsticks than koreans.. funny.

how about baleen chopsticks?

wtf is baleen?

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