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fuck dentists

Guest DUM

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I'm pretty sure I have an abscess on my gums, it got bigger so I made an appointment. probably need a root canal but hopefully not.

I think mike lowery had a good dental horror story. tell me more so I can sike myself out even worse. So far I haven't had anything too terrible other than the time they pulled 5 teeth at once, then 2 a couple weeks later. chewing was not fun.

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It hurts if I press on it or something, it's above my front left incisor pretty high up close to my nose, so it hurts more with movement of my nose/lip. It's feels the same as the rest of my gums, maybe a little softer. No discoloration or pain in the tooth, yet.

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Post erased. You lose

What the fuck did you do to have 5 teeth pulled? They put fake ones in or something?

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yeah my wisdom teeth are going to need to come out. I dislike dentists more than doctors. they both want to poke me with sharp objects but it freaks me out more in my mouth. I had braces for a long time, they even gave me headgear, which I 'lost' and I was supposed to be wearing a retainer for a long time after braces but after your break so many of them they stop caring.

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I think people associate root canal pain to the pain that makes them go to the dentist rather than the procedure, people have told me it's not bad. I'm fine with most dental stuff except that shot of anesthetic. I'm a bitch with needles in certain places.

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I think people associate root canal pain to the pain that makes them go to the dentist rather than the procedure, people have told me it's not bad. I'm fine with most dental stuff except that shot of anesthetic. I'm a bitch with needles in certain places.

DUDE bitches poked me like three times ones. "Oops" they said the first time. When I was younger I would run around the office screaming til they calmed me down with promises of plastic toys of Mr. Tooth and dinosaur posters.

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I was getting braces and they just hadn't fallen out yet (baby teeth), so they pulled them and let the adult teeth grown in before putting the braces on.

they had to do that to me too. they did four at once. i also had to get surgery to get a tooth exposed so that they can slowly pull it down.

DUM how bad were your teeth that you needed headgear? pics?

i had a pretty bad underbite. if i didn't get braces, i'd end up like bubba from forest gump (sans lips).


one time a dentist tried to make a mold of my upper teeth. this was after going to a buffet. i think she put too much water in the mix so the stuff kept running down my throat. i puked all over the seat and the floor. i was in the next room sitting, covered in my lunch while i watched the dentist clean up the mess.

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I'd have to dig around the house for pics of back then, but basically my two front teeth grew out on some beaver shit. I never sucked my thumb or anything else they said could've caused it...just got fucked over by jesus.

what exactly does nitrous oxide do? I think maybe they should just gas me everytime I go.

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what exactly does nitrous oxide do? I think maybe they should just gas me everytime I go.

You get completely bombed off nitrious oxide, its the best thing to have before the shot you cant even feel it. I think they charge you for it. Its like smoking a ton of weed, until they start to mix it with the oxygen, then you just feel groggy.

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