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WAYWT shit talking thread


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You mean when your new items come in the mail?

haha i was gonna type something very similar, but whenever i want to talk shit at skull6, i always remember that thats exactly what he wants. he loves watching peoples reactions to his stupidity. i think im just gonna ignore him from now on. but i will backup what other poepl say at him. bye skull6

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haha i was gonna type something very similar, but whenever i want to talk shit at skull6, i always remember that thats exactly what he wants. he loves watching peoples reactions to his stupidity. i think im just gonna ignore him from now on. but i will backup what other poepl say at him. bye skull6

Obviously he has some personal issues; most likely the self-esteem kind. Although, for someone who creates 5-6 accounts, I'm inclined to think it's a tad bit more severe than that....Look forward to 7-8th account.

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h8 how he takes a step toward me, then a step back, and then all up in a nga grill outta nowhere.

alls i know is lookin at that pic, punchin myself in the dick seems like a good idea

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