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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Don't insult french bulldogs. They're kings amongst men. Yea...men.

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kinda looks like a 12 year olds head on an adult body

but the 12yo had some trouble figuring out how to wear the transplantees clothes

Hey. That's my role!

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Well, here's one more attempt at fixing all of this.


It's all Carol Christian Poell except for the Jeans.

Shirt's pretty rare iirc. It's a CCP F/W 97-98 Double Breasted Dress Shirt.

ROFL. Seriously? Dude bought that hideous ass CCP shirt off ebay, just because it's CCP. There's a reason nobody else was bidding on it. Fucking sheep. He's getting roasted on sz too lmao.

Edit**: Wow, he paid $140 for it.


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well I'm putting the shirt back up for sale or w/e. I had a feeling it looked like shit anyways, and you guys helped confirm that.

I'm still pretty pissed that I got drunk and put in a snipe bid on it because "OMG CCP" was all that was going through my head, like some drunk irish stock worker in the 1920's thinking some shady company sweat shop will help him earn more money.

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