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WAYWT shit talking thread


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also john mayer most likely didnt run his high school

just through the halls?

sorry bad joke. :(

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If John Mayer lurks here consider this me OFFICIALLY challenging him to a fight.

I feel like he would accept.

Of course he would, he's from Connecticut.

All we do is challenge people to fight.

EDIT: example - Revolutionary War.

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He's a smarmy little fuck. I don't care what he thinks of his music, it sucks. His guitar playing is fine i guess but fuck, there are plenty of good guitar players. He's just one of the few who plays that up a bunch since he doesn't have much going for him musically besides that. I think halifamous had some kind of treatise that i agreed with. Hopefully someone has a link to the post(s).
John Mayer is such a smarmy douche bag.
Fuck his guitar. His smarmy frat-boy self depreciating yet pseudo-edifying "I'm so progressive yet I am who I am" affected-intellectual personality reminds me of me in first year university.

Guy is a previous level me, nothing is worthy of more hate from present-day me.

From two turntables and a goth ninja. Always boils down to him being a smarmy douche. If he accepts your challenge Hali I want you to tag me in halfway through...

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i dont know where else to put this but i have to hate on it, what the fuck..


do any guys buy these? do you use them as 225 dollar underwears or actually sport 'em with sneakers as part of your outfit like that guy^? im confused :confused:

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you know what...i know its board mentality to love AND hate all at once, but i'm diggin jane's post(not necessarily the fit but the overall post she made)...

so this is a chick that is wearing balenciaga and dries at 16...fine...you know this chick has some level of taste...so she posts some fit pics and she's obviously dressed nicer than most her age; she looks like she could be havin lunch with her mom or go a country club or some shit...but she's like nonono i can switch it up too! she's 16 and into fashion you think she's gonna be wearing a municipal waste shirt or some shit? no dudes she's gonna naturally go for the ramones or the sex pistols which is fine for her...now i dont know if she intentionally did that shit up to try and wow us or she really does switch it up, but i applaud the effort...it's awkward on her, but if you can go from streetwear to frute swagz, high fashion to mall punk is do-able...

what i mean to say here is...jane...you can turn your hair any color you want baby i'll still fap it to your picture.

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If Hali is selling a pair of rick owens sneakers next week, we'll all know what happened.

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i might go so far as to call this....


tee: cheap

vest: unoriginal

jeans: flat head.


ps where the fuck are you and get a haircut

but at the same time, dolly says "oh, but he's a nice guy :("

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i feel like hali would probably immediately drop to his knees and start blowing john mayer if he ever really got that close to him.

i am really tired of these canadians (hali and sean) acting like thier crew is so hardcore. it's like dude you live around a bunch of rich white people in canada, and you physically threaten people over the internet and watch doug funnie on DVD, ride a pink skateboard, how hard can you really fucking be? I mean it would be slightly funny if I wasn't so convinced these guys actually believe the bullshit that they say.

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JackPhotography, we will put aside our hate and fly up to Canada together.

My uncle has a small plane and I'm sure it's not that hard to fly. You can fight Clopek while I get creepy with dolly.


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