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Snobish assholes

Corbin Law

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ye, and dont you hate all those wankers that go into stores acting big just to show off there supreme denim knowledge...

--- Original message by coolhunter on Aug 8, 2005 05:25 PM

Yeah, I was about to say- seems like some pretty weak game hating on Abercrombie's jeans to try impress their employees.

Oh right, being as I worked at Abercrombie untill two weeks ago, I actually know what their management is like. They don't tell you to have an air about you, to think you're better than anyone, or whatever you've heard. We're supposed to say "Hi", if you look like you are having trouble finding something we'll help you, but other than that, alot of people don't want to be bothered.

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i didnt necessarily say shitty, sorry mispoke. it was more constructive criticism, they gave me a funny stare, but were receptive. i'm not a denim guru, but abercrombie has been the same for years, and the jeans have gone down hill. they showed me a new style, and i tried them on, and gave honest feedback. they might not say to act this and that, but most of the employees around here are snooty.

while you can go into mario's, and have a salesman in a gucci suit offer you pellegrino lol

oregon is abercrombie village

Edited by advan on Aug 8, 2005 at 08:48 PM

Edited by advan on Aug 8, 2005 at 08:50 PM

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Yo, the young employees at LV is SF are all cool, even if you go in there just to peek. Its funny when you know more about their unreleased stuff then they do.

Woejozney - I think you have understand the heads that work in sneaker joints...they got dick riders in all the time so they have to put up a front, but most of them are all good once you get to know them. Big shouts to the staffs at Huf and Nort in SF for keep my feet fresh to def.

Don't let Mama slap you.


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my bad. umm, their washes are alright, some decent selvege, but no unwashed. gave my little brother my free pair, but they fit really well for those who aren't superthin.

My area (mainline represent) is Abercrombie personified.

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I find in London that most the small stores, like those around Soho, are mad friendly. Sometimes they don't go out their way to help (I'd rather they left me to it most times anyway), but once you ask them something, they are very helpful and nice. I've never had bad experiences, and you often find yourself chatting away with them. Sometimes the assistants in the larger stores though, like Selfridges, come across as a bit robotic, but I can understand that as they must deal with so many customers. They can often be quite clueless too.

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I prefer a simple "Hi, let me know if you need help" to someone following me around, going out of their way to "sell" me their wares, especially if they don't sound like they know what they're talking about, or just lie if they are afraid of looking like they don't know the answer.

you see how picky i am with my shoes, and they only go on my feet!


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This thread keeps on coming up again and again here...people getting pissed either at the people working at a particular store / at the kinds of stores that sell the shit talked about on Superfuture in general cause the staff weren't friendly enough.

First off...why do care? Is your ego so fragile that your day'll be ruined if the people selling you your tee shirts and sneakers don't kiss your ass? I'd hate to see any of you people try to buy vinyl.

Second...ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's you? Any chance that you've in there before and they remember how many tees you tried on before walking out without buying anything? Or maybe you just look like that guy.

Third...Abercrombie and Fitch (or Urban Outfitters or whateverthefuck) staff all being young and surly is a surprise how exactly? They're kids working a pain in the ass weekend job to pay for beer and weed. The only people who give less of a fuck about their customers work at Popeyes and McDonalds.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Aug 9, 2005 at 08:04 AM

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Quote: well i most sincerely apologize for enjoying being treated as a customer

Apology accepted. Just don't do it again. :)

You're right really...it is nice to be treated decently no matter what kind of a place you are bringing your custom to, but there are certain stores that you can't expect too much from. If someone in a Louis Vuitton or Gucci store was rude or dismissive to me I'd be pissed (and would probably behave like a complete asshole to them as a result), because part of what you are paying for when purchasing a luxury good is the service / ass kissing. I imagine that the management in these places is very aware of this and tells the staff to kiss as much ass as their lips can stand. Streetwear is a different story. Either a place will be staffed by people who don't give a shit (Urban Outfitters) or it'll be staffed by people who see themselves as gatekeepers of a sort and who won't want to welcome anyone that they (on first glance) might not consider as measuring up. If you don't care one way or the other and just want to get your shit it'll never bother you.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Aug 9, 2005 at 08:53 AM

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In response to your original question on certain stores/retailers ordering their employees to be snobbish to their customers, I'd like to share some of my experiences.

In a former life, I've been a retail whore for everyone from Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren, Armani, Prada, and many more in between. And I've known many people/friends who have worked in the same industry at the same level or higher, and for the most part, salepersons are not directed to be snobbish to customers at all. It's just bad business.

However, each retailer projects an image which becomes manifesteted in their clothing/bag/shoe/ accessory lines for the season as well as in their marketing campaigns. Huge money is spent to promote this look/image and it will inevitably trickle down to their own stores and employees. For instance, at Prada, all employees will be given new wardrobes in multiples each season and it even includes the stock people(even tho you may never see them on the floor). And then the buyers and office people in direct contact from Milano will come to the shop, show the new collection to us, tell us about the themes, colors, fabrics, etc, and sometimes tell us how this look should impact our behavior on the floor. We were directed once to not smile "widely" to our customers when we greet them. We were told to acknowledge them with a polite nod or hello or slight closed smile in accordance with the image and mood for the season. Stuff like this happens all the time. But as salespeople the bottom line is always selling and your own style, approach, personality, and skills will determine the kind of service you will give.

The best salespeople at the very best high end stores have profiled you as soon as you entered the door and are calculating their approach strategies while you peruse their goods. Are you looking to buy a gift, or for yourself; do you have visual clues that inform them you have style or a taste for finer things, and is that your chick with you or some girl your trying to impress...They'll figure it out in a minute and work from there. And hopefully you'll leave happy at the service they just rendered and they'll be happy for the commission they just made. It works out.

I know a store like LV is very strict about they way their employees behave on the floor. If you recieved snobby attitudes from a saleperson there it is not a directive from the company and merely an overly inflated ego. Go to another saleperson or inform a manager about the situation. There are a thousand cautionary stories about a salesperson's behavior to a customer who turned out to be a VIP or secret shopper or top level executive in disguise. Although they automatically profile, you are always taught not to judge a book by it's cover. I've had the the most unassuming guys drop thousands in a heartbeat and become my clients.

And one more thing. You guys who complain about Supreme, and stores like that have to remember that the guys who work there are NOT salespeople. They're basically order takers and as such most times will not offer the kind of service you might have recieved in other places. And I've never had a problem at Supreme whatsoever.

Anyway just my two cents, feel free to hate or ask any questions...


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i work in selfridges bullring birmingham and our system is .... connecting .... you must greet the customer.. ask if they need assistance.... help them as much as you can....then if your at the till ...make a positive comment on their purchase.... pack it carefully ... smile an say thanks n good bye

personally ill jus greet a customer ... " hi you ok there"... or "hi how u doin " then most customers jus smile an say hello .... the only customers you need to help are the ones who stop and ask you .. its pointless chasin up a customer who doesnt want your help..... like 2day a guy come up 2 me with a carhartt jacket he was after another size... i went a checked the stockroom got the guy another size... and he tried it on .. ended up havin a convo ... how long i had workd there an that ... friendly shit .... then put the transaction through ... i believe that is customer service.... now i know that customer will walk away with the product he wanted and the knowledge i did all i could to help him and i had a laugh an a chat with him ... so he should come back

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ive gotten some good answers thank you. i prefer stores like steven alan and by george, where its not like they live to kiss your ass, but they offer some short conversation and they seem to allways know the best approach comfort you.

i dont enjoy depatment stores such as blooming dales cause it seems too busy for someone to speak to me, or help out.


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I dno't really care about the hello. 9 times outta 10 I nkow the exact reasno I walked in so I don't need or want anyones help. Usually I go get what I want and call over the prettiest chicks, or if there are none, whoever is the coolest and tell them I'm about to get them some commission and they seem to like me plenty whenever the next time I come in is

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why do you go to low end clubs?

oh yeah, the ppl at APC and Marc Jacobs are nice, haven't actually had much problem with store clerks, maybe at Azalea though.

--- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Aug 9, 2005 04:02 AM

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