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Snobish assholes

Corbin Law

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This thread keeps on coming up again and again here...people getting pissed either at the people working at a particular store / at the kinds of stores that sell the shit talked about on Superfuture in general cause the staff weren't friendly enough.

First off...why do care? Is your ego so fragile that your day'll be ruined if the people selling you your tee shirts and sneakers don't kiss your ass? I'd hate to see any of you people try to buy vinyl.

Second...ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's you? Any chance that you've in there before and they remember how many tees you tried on before walking out without buying anything? Or maybe you just look like that guy.

Third...Abercrombie and Fitch (or Urban Outfitters or whateverthefuck) staff all being young and surly is a surprise how exactly? They're kids working a pain in the ass weekend job to pay for beer and weed. The only people who give less of a fuck about their customers work at Popeyes and McDonalds.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Aug 9, 2005 at 08:04 AM

--- Original message by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Aug 9, 2005 08:01 AM

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supreme, alife, and clientele don't count

--- Original message by dontcaretoomuchforcrap on Aug 9, 2005 11:20 AM


i've gotten nothing but love from that place. the last time i went the guy was so interested in my shoes he asked me to take them off to scoop up the product number. we talked about them (am97's neon, i guess had just recently released and were off his radar) and then he chopped it up with my boy for a bit too on old school NB's.

i'm surprised you say that though.

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bitch, bitch, bitch.

so much complaining on this board about not getting luv from retail shop workers.

first off, more often than not they (the behind the counter peeps) are angry and bitter because they have to work for a whole week to afford the jeans you just came in to try on. (employee discount included).

secondly, if it's a giant corporate chain, they will be nice to you. they have to. it's bad business otherwise. also, once you're established, you've got nothing to prove. the day goes by quicker when you're helping customers find what they want. if they don't want to help, so what that they don't notice you. personally i prefer when people leave me alone in shops. the whole "need help with anything?" is mad gay. if i need help, i'll ask you for some. usually, if i don't see it on the rack, they ain't got it. it's that simple. commission-driven employees are the worst, following you to dressing rooms, telling you their name, standing over your shoulder in the mirror, telling you how fabulous things fit. get back to the register, asshole. no one asked you.

people at supreme, alife, DQM etc., are too busy trying to get noticed themselves so they can eek out a life without ever having to work hard (modeling, designing, people buying their 'art', etc.) the ones who don't fall into this category are just lazy and don't care about your desperate attempts at staying cool. either way, if i were y'all i would take full advantage of the attitude problems at these places and turn it against them...

RACK EVERYTHING. these skinny artfag elitists can't fight/run worth a damn, i can promise you that. no alarms at Supreme, Alife, DQM etc. give 'em a reason to look up from their GUM magazine when you walk in the store...start a Boostin Crusade people.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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Quote: people at supreme, alife, DQM etc., are too busy trying to get noticed themselves so they can eek out a life without ever having to work hard (modeling, designing, people buying their 'art', etc.) the ones who don't fall into this category are just lazy and don't care about your desperate attempts at staying cool.

Ha. Yep, it's been said before, but thanks for putting it in these words.

I'm leaving for NYC this afternoon. When I get there I'll be stopping at all the usual shops. Don't expect any attitude since I'm not an herb.

I think it's pretty simple. Don't take it personally or just ignore it. This isn't high school.

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Random observations:

I respect people who work retail, many of my family members work/have worked retail jobs. I don't have an attitude in store, and don't expect to be waited on. Sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for and I ask.

The people in Urban Outfitters, presumably not highly paid, have always been friendly and helpful.

Neiman Marcus tries their best to ignore me. If I am very persistent, they will answer a question, but it is obviously a strain for them.

Saks was very friendly and helpful, even though I was probably wearing something on the order of old Diesels and layered tee shirts.

I shop at low and high end stores and for the most part, the sales assocs respond to whatever attitude they pick up from you. But, I think there is a problem at NM.

My two cents.

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i hear that, i worked in retail back in college, but always tried to put myself in the shoes of all the heads that shopped there ('95, Abercrombie at the Seaport NYC) and figured that hey, if they need me, they'll beckon. my faves were the japanese cats that would come thru, grab a stack of chinos, bounce back to japan on the illy markup tip.

but in this newer generation of "limited edition," fanatical customers, crossovers with Company X (read: nike) etc., the dudes behind the counter at all the spots for tastemaking 'street'wear know that their shit is in demand. hence the attitude.

"literally, in all in all, this shit is silly, y'all..."(-Breeze brewin)

i suspect you can find both assholes and sweet, caring generous peoples in every scene, realm and spot you can manage to get down with.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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