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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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yeah... thats odd... i hot washed and dried mine at a laundromat (heavy duty dryers) and no problems at all.
Oh sorry, I was totally joking. The quality on these is amazing! I don't understand what's going on with all these people fucking up their patches and stitching, these are some rugged jeans from where I'm standing.

I honestly can't believe the price on these. In price they're comparable to my APCs, but in quality they are much more comparable to my Sammies! The demin is incredible, and the details are awesome. I'm so torn because I was finally get some good wear time with my Sammies, but I think I could wear these for a year non-stop and be totally happy.

Pics to come, took em last night when I did the soak. Loving these jeans!

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Many thanks to Gordon for all his efforts and I wish him a speedy recovery! Maybe someone - edmond? you're rich, right? could get him a hedgehog for a holiday gift. :D

well, if anyone knows what gauge he'd need, etc. there seem to be plenty of attachments for not that much money on the 'bay: HERE.

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someone should ask him what attachment he needs. He was explaining it to me a long time ago, and he said that with an attachment anyone in the store could probably do the hem, but without it, he is the only one that can do it. I'd personally be willing to buy it if it's only $20 or throw in some cash so he could get one if the price is ridiculously expensive.

just talked to him about it... there is no attachment he can put on his machine... he needs a whole new machine to be able to do it.:(

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Okay, no newspaper since it was way late last night, but I figure I'm starting late anyway and I'm not really competitve, so whatever. I'll do a pocketbag pic later.

Pre soak:



Post soak:



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I'm thinking about picking up one of the extra pairs. I compared the specs to Eternal 872's, and it looks like a 36 872 will fit about the same as a 38 660, except they'll have a slightly lower rise and smaller hem.

BiG wont OSX these, so I'll need to get them hemmed in their raw state. If I want to end up with a 32 inseam after all the shrinkage is out of the way, what should I have them hemmed to, 34.5?

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Johnny: Great fit, might be my favorite thus far. I need to get mine hemmed in a bad way but Gordon's recent injury throws a wrench in that. Finding someone to do a chain stitch in Nashville is about as easy as finding a fruit stand in NY.

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I'm thinking about picking up one of the extra pairs. I compared the specs to Eternal 872's, and it looks like a 36 872 will fit about the same as a 38 660, except they'll have a slightly lower rise and smaller hem.

BiG wont OSX these, so I'll need to get them hemmed in their raw state. If I want to end up with a 32 inseam after all the shrinkage is out of the way, what should I have them hemmed to, 34.5?

That's about right; if you tell Gordon what you want the postwash inseam to be, he is very good at estimating. Mine came out exactly what I asked for after washing and drying (and they did lose about 2.5 inches in length.)

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Johnny: Great fit, might be my favorite thus far. I need to get mine hemmed in a bad way but Gordon's recent injury throws a wrench in that. Finding someone to do a chain stitch in Nashville is about as easy as finding a fruit stand in NY.

Yeah, ummm, our denim scene isn't exactly present. I went to Bird and Vine, and the woman there said they'd not been able to give away strongholds, but everywhere else True Religion flies off the shelves.

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Yeah, ummm, our denim scene isn't exactly present. I went to Bird and Vine, and the woman there said they'd not been able to give away strongholds, but everywhere else True Religion flies off the shelves.

the best denim you can get in jacksonville is slim jim dry japans. the one shop that sells them has those, some olas, some washed svens, and cheap monday... they wont carry the selvage because its too expensive.

this is a year and a half after i asked the guy about getting some raw straight leg denim in.

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shit really see what peole are saying these stretch out alot.

Say i do a bunch of hot soaks an get all the shrinking outta the way... but after a month of wear they're stretched out a bit more than i'd like them to be.

If i hotsoak again would they go back down to the 'all shrinking outta the way' size again?

I'm thinking eitherway hotwater'll be able to do something after a bunch of wear..

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the best denim you can get in jacksonville is slim jim dry japans. the one shop that sells them has those, some olas, some washed svens, and cheap monday... they wont carry the selvage because its too expensive.

this is a year and a half after i asked the guy about getting some raw straight leg denim in.

that's unfortunate...being in jacksonville.

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the best denim you can get in jacksonville is slim jim dry japans. the one shop that sells them has those, some olas, some washed svens, and cheap monday... they wont carry the selvage because its too expensive.

this is a year and a half after i asked the guy about getting some raw straight leg denim in.

Our situation is a bit different, there are plenty of stores that sell expensive denim. True Religion, Rock and Republic, Prps, Chip and Pepper, whatever. They'll even sell the crazy expensive washes that are priced around $400-500. It's just that no one will carry anything unexpected. There was a shop that carried Iron Army, but they went out of business, and now it's some of the very early strongholds, and that's it.

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this is what g needs if anyone(edmond) wants to buy it for him.

cheep.. I found two 'Chrome Hearts' water bottles right side of that picture.

A ring just next to the bottle is also Chrome Hearts? fantastic (^_^)

I love blink blink silver accessaries.

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Johnny: Great fit, might be my favorite thus far. I need to get mine hemmed in a bad way but Gordon's recent injury throws a wrench in that. Finding someone to do a chain stitch in Nashville is about as easy as finding a fruit stand in NY.

Thanks! I'm real psyched on these jeans. I'll miss the S5000VX, but these are really incredible. I love the cut, the slim but not skinny legs, the denim is amazing. I seriously can't believe I got these for about half of my sammies! This is seriously the pair I've been waiting for.

Also exciting since it's my first true raw pair. I got all my other jeans used, and they had all either been soaked or worn before. This is the first pair of raw denim that I and only I have worn. Psyched!

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