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I want to buy a gun


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i usually carry a knfie with me all the time... not specific reasons... been almost robbed of my $3 before, but that fucking cocksucker wouldn't take it--"man, i don't want yo weakazz tree dollaz!"

but yeah, dude. edmond, you can buy mini shotguns and just uh.. carry them in a bag? idk. i wouldn't think you'd carry a gun with you around in public unless you're in texas or something where it's legal to do so. (is it legal in texas?)

and if you do carry a knife--make sure it's throwable :)

if that's the case, carry more than one so you don't have to throw and pick it up and throw it again.

shit ain't cheap though.


knifezilla.com (has an assload of throwers, some sweet switches that are helal illegal in california, and brass knuckles which i can't get....:()


just to name a few...

not too sure about gun stores, but smith and wesson has a site for guns.

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why would you buy a mini shotgun? hahaha jesus man its like wanting to buy a samurai kids jeans...anyways yeah i agree get an emerson folder and call it a day.. and yeah get those knife fighting self help videos tooo

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^will that fit in an E-cat?

If so I have to find me one of both!!!

Seriously tough, Milspex, you are starting to fuckin' scare me. What are you with the Survival or something? "Don't trust the cops to protect you"???

Next thing I'd expect you to be saying is: "Buh I 'ave to prurtect myselves for them Blacks are taking over....!"

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  Cotton Duck said:
^will that fit in an E-cat?

If so I have to find me one of both!!!

Seriously tough, Milspex, you are starting to fuckin' scare me. What are you with the Survival or something? "Don't trust the cops to protect you"???

Next thing I'd expect you to be saying is: "Buh I 'ave to prurtect myselves for them Blacks are taking over....!"

911 IS A JOKE.
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where i used to live it was pretty hectic so i always had a nerf blaster on me, one for under the car seat and always one by my bed. I had to use it a few times, almost got a friend in the eye once which was pretty bad... i've lost all my ammunition over the fence so I am pretty much defenseless now besides my spud gun.

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LOL. nerf

But seriously, get a mah-fuckin flintlock. You know where you have to dump a ball-bearing and gunpowder down the barrel and fire when your commander (wife?) tells you...

Next level shit I tells ya

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Get a Glock...I'd start with a 9 mili (G-17) or .40 cal (G-22)...you're not a small guy so the kick won't be shit to you. Double Action, durable as fuck goodness from G-L-O-C-K. First gun I ever popped, still one of my favorite non-revolver pistols (I've also shot with a Beretta and HK USP...the latter being excellent as well...but probably a bit more expensive).

If you would like a revolver...I'd say start with a .38...then once you're used to that...do some extra grip, wrist, and forearm exercises and head on over to the mags (.357 especially).

Just do NOT start with a Desert Eagle...mini-Eag is fine...but the big boy in the hands of a novice is NEVER a good thing (assuming that you haven't done a large amount of shooting yet).

PA should be host to some good ranges where you can rent guns on the spot and get a feel...if not, just slide on over to Jersey or any other rural'esque state (if there are state troopers, usually means there's a gun range where you don't have to have a license to shoot). Ohio has some great, lenient ranges if you're ever out that far.

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