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i'm at a birthday party and there is this super cute girl looking at me, always smiling and hsit, i dance with her, get closer, everything's goiing fine. all of a sudden fuckbuddy who caught feelings stands next to me. i back off, and think to myself, "don't want that shit, will hit on the cute girl later. 1 hour passes, someone taps me on the back, i turn around, super cute girl stands in front of me and says: "you had more than an hour to hit on me, but you didn't do it...i'll leave now..." STUPID ASS FUCK BUDDY STANDING NEXT TO ME AGAIN....

kiss cute girl on the cheek, she leaves.

i suck. gonna cut that fuck buddy offffffffffffffffffffffffffff

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being with a girl during the holidays and realizing that you don't love her the same way you have loved girls before, and then thinking about how the one that was special to you is gone, happy without you, specifically because she is without you and that someone else makes her that happy to be alive.

then realizing you don't have any dunhill blues.

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  Ergo Sum said:
^I haven't felt anything romantically towards a girl in four months besides some bs chemical dependence towards my ex. Feels like I have no feelings concept.

It's all good bro, I haven't felt anything romantically towards a girl in about 3-4 years. The funniest part of this to me is that I was in a relationship for part of that time.

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  RandR said:
being with a girl during the holidays and realizing that you don't love her the same way you have loved girls before, and then thinking about how the one that was special to you is gone, happy without you, specifically because she is without you and that someone else makes her that happy to be alive.

then realizing you don't have any dunhill blues.

yes. i'll add this: seeing the one that is now gone over the holidays and realizing how much you miss her and how much it pisses you off to know that she prefers someone else to you when you can't even muster energy enough to feign interest in anyone else. haven't been able to give a shit about anyone in 3.5 years. shit's getting old.

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  josh mullen said:
yes. i'll add this: seeing the one that is now gone over the holidays and realizing how much you miss her and how much it pisses you off to know that she prefers someone else to you when you can't even muster energy enough to feign interest in anyone else. haven't been able to give a shit about anyone in 3.5 years. shit's getting old.

and when you finally find a girl you have any sort of feelings for, she agrees to kick it and seems excited then blows you off twice. turns out she has a boyfriend that looks like a blood covered qtip. sick

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When Asian girls are in a relationship with a redhead (over here we call them 'rangas') - the pasty, freckly, pink-faced kind, usually with curls or a jewfro.

I don't necessarily 'hate' this, but it shouldn't be so common - I know at least 5 cases of this. I wonder if the girls' azn parents ever know.

Never seen a black girl with a redhead, btw.

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