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fuck off niketalkers

--- Original message by aitsuka on Aug 4, 2005 07:56 AM

icon_smile_shock.gif wow! is this really you?


if so, i would love to meet you on the street one day.....

--- Original message by PETEROCK1 on Aug 5, 2005 09:23 AM

lol... i'm just wondering what's your [aitsuka] beef with NTers? did you try to post your pickups and no one gave you a icon_smile_shock.gif or icon_smile_cool.gif??

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Dice.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Edited by Music for the Masses on Aug 6, 2005 at 08:11 AM

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ehhhhh yes.

This was interesting to read.

I started using Superfuture when visiting cities, then just lurked and read through posts about clothes, primarily denim on the supertalk boards. Now decided to register. But like others said I come here because of what it is and because here I can get good info unlike 98% of the time on NT. Thats why Niketalk is NIKE talk. I hope here I dont have to sift through posts of Tiffanys and how to spot fake Lacoste polos.

yeah. so thats my attempt at making a justification of me being here. icon_smile_shy.gif

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woah shit, man i just saw thsi thread, lots of NT's oh well, i shalt hate,

if you dont want people to rock APC just tell them that the color best matches their tiffanies when you wash them in 60 degree water RIGHT WHEN YOU BUY THEM. that should clear it up a bit

And i got a question, you know how we talk about Nt'ers and shit, would people on NT talk about super talkers as denim whoring douche bags? or possibly ST'ers


Edited by Corbin Law on Aug 8, 2005 at 12:45 PM

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Quote: And i got a question, you know how we talk about Nt'ers and shit, would people on NT talk about super talkers as denim whoring douche bags? or possibly ST'ers

Nah. We are better. icon_smile_shock.gif

--- Original message by lilodxd on Aug 8, 2005 01:21 PM

Most of NT'ers are sheep and are completely oblivious to real style and therefore will have no knowledge of fashion sites like these. And supertalk isn't even all about denim even though most of the threads have been about denim in the past while. Whatever, we're elite. icon_smile_cool.gif
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I find it funny people are so anti-niketalk

Supertalk isn't exactly that impressive or less sheepish

instead of the newest sneakers and t shirts all ya'll seem to care about is the newest jeans and t shirts. This all looks like a whole pot calin the ketle black scenario

Its hardly as if ya'll can answer questiions about most fashion that is anything but the trend ya'l are following just like niketalk

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I find it funny people are so anti-niketalk

Supertalk isn't exactly that impressive or less sheepish

instead of the newest sneakers and t shirts all ya'll seem to care about is the newest jeans and t shirts. This all looks like a whole pot calin the ketle black scenario

Its hardly as if ya'll can answer questiions about most fashion that is anything but the trend ya'l are following just like niketalk

--- Original message by jjs home on Aug 8, 2005 01:42 PM

Yeah but in Niketalk, fellas dress to match their shoes.... most limit themselves to the color of their sneakers, and most have no idea bout color coordination.

I'm not sayin that it's wrong, its fashion so you know, whatever makes you happy. But we don't do that here, or at least I don't think we do.

I'm a Niketalker myself since '99, seldom post but a regular viewer.

Edited by superposition on Aug 8, 2005 at 02:24 PM

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The majority of Niketalk/ISS is a bunch of kids who look for the newest and rarest dunks. Even if they're wack, as long as they're 'limted edition' these kids don't give a shit. I know about preferences but if a shoe is ugly, it's ugly. Sure, there are 'real' sneaker collectors on NT who aren't rocking the LRG x camo shorts x sb dunks 24/7 and I respect those cats. Over here, you don't see people drooling over shit. We buy quality and appreciate it. Yeah sure there is that huge apc thread but people aren't buying jeans because they're limited edition or nothing. The quality is there and you can't even tell they're apc jeans if you don't have a pair yourself. You don't see people here posting their latest 'pickups'. They only post pictures if there is interest. It's more of a discussion which might lead to purchase rather than cop, show up, resell, cop again.

It's only recently that there has been an explosion on the popularity of selvedge jeans but the interest has always been there. Shit blows up all the time, you can't expect it to stay underground/un-mainstream forever. As far as I know, people have always been discussing things other than jeans such as suits, ties and designers.

I don't know where you (jjs home) are coming from with this only caring about the newest jeans bullshit. Maybe when you joined, the cloud of denim discussion just started. I've seen your posts and you know your shit but I don't agree about the comparison of supertalk to niketalk.

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ST will be NT in the next 12 months anyways

this place has the same tendencies. Evisus became popular and now the are abhorrent to half the people here. Japanese Evisus look no different now then they once did, but I see plenty of people here telling folks to scrub the Gull of they butt just cause. Same with bathing Ape. The qualitiy doesn't change on these brands but its the same type of hype machine. PLenty of people here move thesame way as NTers, maybe ya'll have less Hype monkeys then NT, but thats because this board just isn't as old. Yeah we have some incredibly knowledgable people here he really do just like the quality, but you're fooling yourself if people don't stop wearing APC when it continuesto blow up and claim the quality dropped. Its synonomous with the dunk, The whole limitedness thing was imparted to lengthen its life span, and many of these denim companies wil do the same when that market drops off. See if APC doesn't start throwing gimicks ni their mix in the near future. LRG today is APC tommorrow

Quote: Yeah but in Niketalk, fellas dress to match their shoes.... most limit themselves to the color of their sneakers, and most have no idea bout color coordination.

I'm not sayin that it's wrong, its fashion so you know, whatever makes you happy. But we don't do that here, or at least I don't think we do.

I'm a Niketalker myself since '99, seldom post but a regular viewer.

Whats wrong with matching your shoes? Is that so nicredibly unfashionable? Who decided that? It makes no sense? I do that, maybe some hear don't, but who cares I'd much rather you be concerned with you then me. I find it silly it even matters because if your fresh your fresh whether your kicks match or not

The whole negativity shit here which I was hoping to escape coming frmo NT is exact same, so ya'll can't think you're that much different. Maybe when ya'll can use this site with maturity, just looking for info and staying positive yal'l can be a level above NT, but right now same shit different tiolet

Okay high conrast then what used to matter to ya'll? What was poppni that wasn't jeans to ya'll 6 to 12 months ago? I'd be interested in knowing that

Edited by jjs home on Aug 8, 2005 at 02:52 PM

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Quote: See if APC doesn't start throwing gimicks ni their mix in the near future. LRG today is APC tommorrow

JJ. You're cool and all, I like the fact that you bring something different to these boards, but please do some research before making statements such as the ones above. APC has never been and will never be a clothing label like 'that'. icon_smile.gif

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If you read carefully, I clearly said : "I'm not sayin that it's wrong, its fashion so you know, whatever makes you happy."

So do whatever you please. Fashion is subjective. I just dont like to argue about whats better and shit, NT and ST are sites with different aspects of interest.

We're there we talk about sneakers most the time. We're here, we talk about quality clothing most of the time. So just leave it at that.

Seems like you have an attitude of a NTer. Ez man, cool ur jets a little.

Edited by superposition on Aug 8, 2005 at 03:14 PM

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no i mean all thee kids wearing LRG now will be rocking APC jeans tommorrow. I'm willing to wait and see ya'll shoud to. Its not even a design thing, its purely hype

and regardless of what someone stands for today, don't ultimately assume thats what it will be tommorrow, Bape and Evisu should be ya'lls examples because It seems many of ya'll were hot on taht before the so-called "hype" and now they are "so different" and have "sold out"

and superposition I'm talkin less to you and more to the people who take what you said to the extreme. Like theres a cokie cutter mold as to what is or isn't poppin. You aren't here saying something automatically sucks just because its not your style, howeevr there are plenty of people here who do need to do that to validate themselves

Edited by jjs home on Aug 8, 2005 at 03:16 PM

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One thing I like about Superfuture is that people aren't afraid to call something wack if it is. It can devolve into a shit storm sometimes, but it's kind of fun. The ratio of knowledgable people to raving 13 year old hypebeasts is greater than at NT.

This is a message board, not fight clu....SHHHH. The board is only as good as the people who use it.

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neawts I agree with you fully, however with that benig said why wont we all cup the shit? I feel everyone shoulld give their opinion, however its in eevryones best interest to be respectful towards eevryones tastes. There is no best style or beter style or genre or anything, you can be just as fly withni whateevr genre you choose so we all look stupid trying to piss eachother off, especially thrownig around silliness thats basically untrue to prove our points.

if you don't like BAPE because the designs no longer interest you or because rappers like it now so be it, but don't say its not the same quality product Nigo has pumped out for over 10 years

if you don't like APC because they are too plain or because they are to tight thats fine but you cant say its not a quality product

it follows for eevrything, from johnny cupcake shirts, to new era fitteds (stickers on or off) from j money to scott langton to maharishi or anythnig else

the basic premiss of this site is that its all innovative people who understand fashion, so theres no reason to have to be negative about anything, because if a person is smart enuogh to fnid this sites and the brands which cmoe up in discussion they are obviously doing something worthwhile, so theres no need to try and prove anything above anythnig else because as many people changing tastes here have already proven if we were all chasnig the same clothes/brands/styles whatever we wind up running frmo them just as fast

Alll the silly bickering and lack of respect is whats gonna turn you into the niketalk your cursing. And btw if you look back to the pages in the 80s and 90s pplenty of poast are about sneakers so stop benig so negative about that genre as well

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