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Something Selvage...

plane trip to mars

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I've found in the last couple of years, subconsciously, that I keep going back to Fullcount's 1108. They are a weight for all seasons (a tad under 14oz), slim but not skinny, straight hipped, with that wonderful compact, redcast denim with it's short vertical ring pattern that falls like rain. With a little wear they take on that metallic shimmer.

There are other basic jeans in a similar mould by Flat Head, Studio D'Artisan, Eternal etc. Depends on your access to various brands. As you appear to be in NY, then perhaps head to Blue in Green and try a few, or some Sorahikos at 45rpm.

PS welcome.

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Someone may be able to confirm the post wash length for you sooner.

Other things I like about the Fullcounts are the various stitch colours, yarn sizes and stitch lengths. There's the beautifully dense stitching around the fly front and back pockets that's done in a fine thread. Lemon yellow and tabacco. The gentle curve of the backpockets. And the discreet peek of selvedge on the 5th pocket. It's a most handsome rendition of it's genre.

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Someone may be able to confirm the post wash length for you sooner.

Other things I like about the Fullcounts are the various stitch colours, yarn sizes and stitch lengths. There's the beautifully dense stitching around the fly front and back pockets that's done in a fine thread. Lemon yellow and tabacco. The gentle curve of the backpockets. And the discreet peek of selvedge on the 5th pocket. It's a most handsome rendition of it's genre.

They sound great...I've yet to see them in person.

BiG has the one-wash version coming in under 34 in my size. :(

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Well done, Plane trip, this could be the start of a terribly expensive hobby for you, this thread has actually been pretty good. Its good to hear details about Full Counts, especially that the FC 1108's are straight hipped, its a shame more japanese jeans aren't.

Although I'm sure he's sicking of everyone fawning over him, but its always nice to read ringring's opinions.

I'm surprised Fullcount's don't get more attention on here...they have a pretty broad selection of jeans. I've always been intruiged by the denim/sweatpant weave of the these.

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There are loads of jeans, that because sidneylo or haptronic dont wear em in WYWT or something, seem to be really neglected by SuFu, eternal has released some 58000yen AI jeans, Full Count released those 15th anniversary ones, with very green hued denim ( something about being left out in the sun, i dunno ). No one has posted these yet but they really are uberjeans, maybe its an availabilty problem? Yknow, what with amercentric buying with the rise of BIG and the Edge.

I also find the samurai following slightly bemusing, at 25000+ they are much more expensive than many of their rivals, I know they offer things others dont, and people like an array of cuts to chose from but really between the other brands im sure one could find a very similar cut under the 20000yen mark, and if spending 25000+ is easy then why not get some hand felled, speciality dyed Satokibis from Sugarcane for a smidgin more??? Satokibis seem to get no love whatsoever in comparison!

Oh! And Full Count have released a Natural indigo version of their anniversary jean.

They look gorgeous, at 27000 these are amazing!

Gimmegimme- those look interesting. There are two things id love to see an established japanese denim brand do 1- Overdyed, indigo selvedge. 2- Herringbone weave in a normal slim cut.

This has been a rant. Again.

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Nothing wrong with a good rant now and then. ;)

Personally, I have a thing for Samurai because (a) the cuts suit my bodytype; and (B) the inseam is long. I really love Cane's on others, but their current repro cuts look ridiculous on people shaped like me (that being, slim with no shape).

I'd also love to find a slim pair of herringbone denim. BiG just got some Sam's (I know) that are herringbone (or reverse herringbone...whatever), but they look sort of floppy...like painter pants.

27,000 is a great price for natural indigo (I don't htink canes are even that cheap?). A pair of natural indigo have been high on my list (for no other reason other than "I want them")...but I can't seem to find any. 45rpm are too short, Momotaro's are too expensive, Canes cuts don't suit me, Eternals are too short, etc. etc. etc. :(

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^^ I'm scared to respond to your posts. You frighten me.

edit - nevermind...you recanted. You still scare me though.

Moi??? I'm just a big pussy cat..... :eek:

I didn't per se recant but I found the Japanese page and got some clarification is all.. they seem quite light in color compared to most naturals which is an interesting alternative and about as cheap as you could go for natural rope dyed indigo.

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Moi??? I'm just a big pussy cat..... :eek:

I didn't per se recant but I found the Japanese page and got some clarification is all.. they seem quite light in color compared to most naturals which is an interesting alternative and about as cheap as you could go for natural rope dyed indigo.

Pussy cats scare me too then.

I think they look pretty nice...but pictures are never the same as in person.

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i'm trying to find selvage denim that isn't too tight around the balls area and isn't tapered on the hem and choking my ankles. any suggestions?

p.s. welcome me to the site

search son, you can do it, ive seen it done it doesnt hurt. welcome to the future.

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They sound great...I've yet to see them in person.

BiG has the one-wash version coming in under 34 in my size. :(

I can double confirm that for you now. I don't know what your size is, but I took a look at the one-wash 1108 in 31" and 32" at their shop today and their inseams are around 33".

Flash a bit of ankle ;)

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I can double confirm that for you now. I don't know what your size is, but I took a look at the one-wash 1108 in 31" and 32" at their shop today and their inseams are around 33".

Flash a bit of ankle ;)

Doh. If there's one thing that tall guys like me are self conscious about, its having pants that are too short...only makes you look even taller. :(

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