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fs:visvim, julian red, Spruce tiger hoodies, alife, M65,


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Hi there

is time to pay for books, OMG BOOKS!

so here is the sale.

first up, a pair of julian red california NEVER WASHED, worn about 5-6 times. no fading just some lines.


2, Penfeild medium m65 jacket. NEVER WORN tags still own. reailed or 200, yours for SOLD

3. Visvim polka dot polkes...i have never worn them outside, or for more then a few minutes. sold

4. small Yellow spruce tiger fleece hooide. other then being the softest hoodie i have ever worn, its also one of the coolest looking things around, its has a very subtle yellowness . 100 + shipping.

pit to pit - 19

length - 27


5 medium spruce aqua blue tiger fleece hoodie, nice color havent seen it in a long time. worn a few times, never washed. sold

6. alife purple and grey argyle everybod low. size 10. never worn and tags still attached. they just showed up at my door one day and i still dont know how, cause i never ordered them. sold

i accept paypal!


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julains sold...im trying to find a stock photo but i just cant find the right colorway.

i will get pics to you asap

Cool, I'll most likely get em, I just want to be sure of which they are.

edit: I'm interested in that Spruce Hoodie too, but I'd like to see a pic too. If you could hold those, I'll do em both after pics

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