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Japanese Baller (pix)


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  wEstSidE said:
i hope he becomes a pay driver in F1...i need more entertainment.

taki inoue...where art thou???!!! your fans miss & luv u!!!

  drofhiphopology said:
if nigo is doing 200 mil how much is Hov doing?

he said at one point, back in like 2004-5 rocawear alone was worth 400$ million

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  pwnzj00 said:
$200 mil from a clothing company that's not even *that* international just goes to show you that the Japanese economy is fucked, or soon to be fucked. The amount of bad loans is in the trillions.

Nonetheless, nice cars.

well...my money is on japan over the us economy in the next ten years...

asia owns the bulk of our recently accrued national debt. national debt makes personal/business loans laughable in comparison. Granted, China has been buying seriously more dollars than Japan, but their fiscal and monetary policy is almost incomparably tighter than that of the US. Their currency has steadily retained, if not gained, value over the last 5-8 years against the US dollar.

a shakeup could occur on a national level if your speculation about loans is true, but I would be hesitant to say the economy is fucked as a result. I'm not well acquainted with Japanese financial structure, but I would hazard to guess that their large banks (who either are making the largest "bad" loans or own the banks making said loans) making the questionable loans to which you refer are sufficiently risk-diversified or have multinationalized to where individual country performance is less central to their bottom line. This is admittedly speculation, but most countries that have reached Japan's stage of development have similarly stable and profitable financial institutions like those I generally describe.

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  baskew said:
he said at one point, back in like 2004-5 rocawear alone was worth 400$ million

Guys please stop the threadjacking.

To end this Jay-z/Nigo discussion.

Rocawear was rated at $400 Million at some point,but that was the company's estimated worth.

Consider this, Jay-z was not the only shareholder, and we live in a country with high taxes.

well...my money is on japan over the us economy in the next ten years...
Never. Sizewise, Japan is not even bigger than Texas.

China and Russia have a chance.

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Never. Sizewise, Japan is not even bigger than Texas.

China and Russia have a chance.

I wasn't talking in terms of GNP or GDP...no shit...

I'm talking in terms of how the economy will perform...much more relevant indicators than a measure so obviously correlated with population. All the requisites I mentioned, especially tight fiscal and monetary policy, coupled with keeping their currency undervalued make japan WHERE I HAVE MY MONEY

why? because its stable, and their currency will outperform ours as long as we keep spending on a war we can't afford...

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jay-z sold his share of roca wear for $204 million I believe and 50 made over $100 million alone off of his stake in Vitamin Water when Coke bought it for $4.1 billion.

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