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ive been smoking nonstop for years now and nothing gets me high like the volcano.. i can smoke a blunt and be a normal functioning person, but after i smoke the volcano i am stoned like a newb. i smoked a few bags from it yesterday and went out to eat after with my homie and we were straight giggling and acting like fools at the restaurant. it puts you on a whole new level. weed also goes a long way with it -- two full bowls worth will fill up the bag like 8 times.

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:0 damn, really? I smoke varying on how much shit i have to do that day. Not too much to do, i'll sesh 2-3 snap bowls from my bong per sesh (probably two full bowls) And have maybe 3 seshes throughout my day. On a busy day i just sesh maybe once or twice. Once for sure, twice if i smoke on break. I used to smoke before work but my boss kept asking why i showed up to work looking so tired so i stopped..

So compared to a bong bowl the volcano gets you more faded? How many deep inhales before you get a strong fade? By strong fade i mean after you exhale, your eyes get real small similar to the way a person looks when they are about to sneeze.

Anyone know the feeling im talking about or am i too sober to be understood? Lol

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  yachtrock89 said:
How much did that run him?

i know the owner of the headshop he got it from so he got it hooked up..i wanna say $150?

my homie and some random fucker had a j rolling competition. the winner was pretty obvious lol.


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dope illy simon :cool:

  ktothe said:
Dog who rolled that, thing, on top? I wouldn't even talk to that dude anymore. I just cant get down like that...smh.

haha lol'd. it was just some scrub i don't know. my homie is a boss at rolling those cones though

  yachtrock89 said:
Someone on this thread a while back told me you could snag them for like $120 or something. Are you in Cali figured that's always the cheapest place?!

it's pretty much going to be the same everywhere..unless you have connections to blowers or shop owners. i've heard colorado has damn good glass

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  Augustus said:
I believe originating from Vermont, have you guys tried a popper? Basically pack the bottom with little tobacco and then spray the top with bud. Rip the whole bowl. Tried it for the first time last week and I got mad high off two. You also save a lot of weed.

do you mean a spliff?

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I bought one about 3 weeks ago and have been using it every day since as my main smoking utensil. Here are a few things you should know:

Dont pack it with a lot of herb. Just sprinkle a bit in there it'll vape more evenly.

Someone in here posted that they were using one in the library because it didnt smell. That guy was probably smoking shitty weed. If you're vaping real shit its going to smell dank as fuck.

When you're not using the batteries keep them plugged in because the box will eat them. It's a good idea to get replacement batteries but they MUST be 2000 NIMH batteries.

If you have any specific questions I dont mind answering them.

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Fuck. I traded a pair of Nikes for a quad thinking i'd last two weeks...i made it to the end of the week. Just smoked my last bowl of buds.

Now all i have left is some hash....

Who's trying to pack me bowls?


Also: happy new years. What did y'all do?

I went to Together As One. First rave ever. Had a blast. Wanna see pics?

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