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Guest Goose25

it's not a good thing but it's definitely interesting the way men, both young and old are confronting issues like identifying with their body and feeling good about it and reacting with 'manorexia' etc. In the past i think if guys felt bad about their body they would work out and try and become buffed and huge or let it all go andf become fat and unhealthy - now it's the other way around: becoming smaller and skinnier.

I had a flatmate who was about 6'7 and went on and on about 'his size', it was a cover for his insecurities growing up as an orphan and he eventually committed suicide leaving a wife and baby behind.

guys, learn to like yourself! when you hit 30 your body changes anyway and you have to rethink food and exercise so enjoy your bodies!

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jooner and dinomight, please take your gay small town talk elsewhere, we are discussing serious issues here.

And mellowbonsai, six lbs in 3 weeks is pretty lame for a manorexic.

shut up dd, i had substantial stuff in here to start with, i just got sidetracked. hers more.. "six lbs in 3 weeks" ?? during my exam fasting its not uncommon for me to lose 4-6 lbs at least in 5 days.

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shut up dd, i had substantial stuff in here to start with, i just got sidetracked. hers more.. "six lbs in 3 weeks" ?? during my exam fasting its not uncommon for me to lose 4-6 lbs at least in 5 days.

That's great for you, dino, but i'm comfortable with the pace i have right now. just curious, were you able to keep the weight off post-fasting?

Anyway, in regards to letting random assholes on the internet get to me and my body image: i figure there hasn't been any real harm done.

at most, i'm just more aware of what and ideal/healthy weight range for a person of my height/build would be, and am taking steps to be a healthier, more physically fit person.

don't entertain any fantasies of superfuture flaming getting under my skin and making me pop laxative pills, they hold no water.

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That's great for you, dino, but i'm comfortable with the pace i have right now. just curious, were you able to keep the weight off post-fasting?

oh i wasnt trying to be all baddass and all, just saying. and i suppose i could have kept the wait off, but i didnt really feel like it. the fasting was lots of adderal, studying, little sleep and basically no food for a couple days straight. but after exams were done and my supply of adderal spent, i just wanted to give into the munchies again.

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