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Fashion Profiles: Your sign Predicts what you wear..


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The Archer is usually more at home under the stars than indoors, but even the illustrious explorer needs to wear clothing. Not big on fashion, and not really caring about making a statement, you dress in comfortable clothes that allow freedom of movement and can handle the rugged nature of your existence. Clothing made out of hemp or other natural fibers suit you best. If you finally manage to render a garment unwearable for the holes, you can give it a proper burial to return it to the earth. Hippie days are not past yet, for long skirts, ponchos and loose-fit jeans suit you perfectly. Sportswear of any kind suits your lifestyle. You may look out of place during dressy occasions, but you're not so concerned about what others think of your looks, concentrating instead on letting them in on the inner levels of your knowledge.

Hiking boots or sandals adorn your feet on most days. Going barefoot is not too rare, either. Makeup is a pain and jewelry just gets in the way, broken or lost, so you simply don't wear any. Strong colors, particularly navy blue, lifts your spirits, but you rarely bother to match your clothing. Sagittarius men have no problem with scraggly beards, and a woman's hair is something to turn into natural dreadlocks, shave off or throw back in a ponytail. Your colorful clothing causes smiles as you go, unassuming, on your way.

Fave Label: Sportmax

What the fuck is Sportmax? I hate the outdoors... too many fucking mosquitoes in the summer... loose fitting jeans my ass... you can see which way my peen0r hangs through my jeans... not so much anymore though...

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I'm a Scorpio and I'm gay for Ann D's clothing, even if I personally rarely wear it, I love seeing it on others.

But the description didn't even make sense, it was all like "you may like something or you may not like it depending on who you are".

thats why i dont believe in astrology and shit, cuz its so general. but its funny when it gets it right.

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The Lion rules the roost and wants the best of everything. If a garment is out of your budget, it must be yours. Price tags and labels rule what you buy. If the fashion mags haven't heard of a designer, you drop them like a hot coal. You could never be seen in public wearing anything but top quality. Comfort comes last in your book. If the latest trend requires pants that cut off your circulation and wobbly platform shoes, that's exactly what you'll be squeezing into and stumbling about on. Anything daring with a bold display of colors is your cup of tea, as long as it makes you look good. Business suits are for the workplace, and you wear them well, but in your own time you prefer flowing, elegant garments, custom tailored to your shape. It's imperative that you look the part of royalty.

You excel at wearing flashy, pricey jewelry. Your Sign rules the back, so going backless or strapless to the right soiree is never out of place. Favorite colors are gold, bronze and orange, whether you choose to wear these as an electric splash or a bold statement is your decision. You'll purr over anything that calls attention to the Lion's mane, whether is be handcrafted barrettes, colorful rubber bands or jeweled tiaras. One thing is for certain: Leo knows how to dress for success.

Fave Label:Versace

not even close.

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my sun sign and venus is scorpio -- ann d

but my ascendant is pisces -- vera wang

polar opposites (yet still designer, ;))? but, eh, that's normal wif my signage (scorp cusp sagg--schizo emotional and repressed)? much better than sportsmax tho.

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shoot me in the head, abercrombie and fitch.

and what the fuck is with the 'favourite brand' shit?

i have never had an interest in giorgio armani, especially when they whored their brand with the whole armani exchange shit to sell to dumb idiots who want a piece of 'trendy luxury'. who the fuck wants to associate with a brand that has HUGE FUCKING METALLIC IMPRINTS on their shirt with a HUGE FUCKING LOGO which says to me... 'LOOK AT ME, I CAN AFFORD TO WASTE MONEY ON SHIT (truly) THAT WAS PROBABLY MADE IN THE SAME FUCKING FACTORY THAT MAKES IPODS.'

or something like that.

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Bitch. I got worse.

What Designer Brand Are You? You scored as a Abercrombie & Fitch

I'm gonna go slit my wrists.

I got this too. And I also got an ad to take a "How Emo Are You Quiz?". Now it's really time to slit the wrists. I suppose that would make me 100% emo then. Shit shit shit shit shit.

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