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le music 80s


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so i'm making a big 80s compilation, and i'm listening to True Faith by new order, thinking that this is one of the best dance singles the 80s has ever graced us with. anyone got any useful contributions to an 80s mix tape? (and preferably not shit like OMG FLOCK OF SEAGULLS....THAT ONE SONG...get at me with some oneoffs and maybe d/l links)

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Boytronic - Photographs

i collect a lot of tunes from obscure 80s groups, the ones that operated in the shadows... the ones that time has forgotten because in retrospect we only remember the big stars like New Order and what have you. you definitely need this song on there, and you can impress the fuck out of people with your esoteric knowledge.

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Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses

that song's from 1991.

the original version from 1988 is different from the single release in '91, which

is the version everyone is familiar with from Silence of the Lambs, or if you're

a fucking retard, Clerks 2.

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something obvious, at least to me, that is fucking phenomenal, that needs

to be on your mix, is

Cities in Dust by Siouxsie & the Banshees.

if you can snag the 12'' mix, even better.


New York, New York by Nina Hagen pretty much perfectly encapsulates

everything 80s. i can't think of any other song that name drops every single

major 80s dance club, except for really bad soulful house tracks stretching

to be relevant.

you're going to need some post-punk and early goth on this,

my current suggestion is

Roman Candle by Flesh for Lulu

i actually did a piddly little edit of this track. how would you like a onemancult

exclusive for your mix? send me a pm.

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Guest jmatsu

i actually did a piddly little edit of this track. how would you like a onemancult

exclusive for your mix? send me a pm.

yo fuck that. send that shit my way.

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because jmatsu demanded it!

(points if you get the comic book reference)

Flesh For Lulu - Roman Candle (onemancult edit)

this isn't a major change from the original, this was merely edited to make

it more dancefloor and mixing friendly- extended intro and outro, various

tomfoolery in the middle, remixed to push the drum and bass forward, blah blah.

just a change o' pace.

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also your edit thing is WAYYYYYYY to fucking loud. Just about gave me a hard attack.

i know, isnt it awesome?

its loud as fuck and yet it isnt distorted- i love the power of a good compressor and some tedious filter work.

EDIT: leave bindi's daddy out of this.

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ABC - Look of Love.

yes. yes. yes.

i remember watching some ridiculous movie about a yuppie who ends up chasing this chick around soho it was from like '89, but the soundtrack spanned the entire 80's. this was playing in one of the club scenes.


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yes. yes. yes.

i remember watching some ridiculous movie about a yuppie who ends up chasing this chick around soho it was from like '89, but the soundtrack spanned the entire 80's. this was playing in one of the club scenes.




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hmmm. i dont recall any. it had the white chick version of grace slick in it, and she was making some sort of like statue in a loft of a dude being murdered.

it was a pretty fucking horrendous movie, and lord knows i was stoned.

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