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Hair Thread


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I want to start buzzing my hair myself. If I wanted something like this:


how would I do this?

Just buzz my sides and back with a 3 and top with a four? I would eventually to grow it out like this:

  Hella Hyphy said:


Would I just keep shaving the sides and let the top grow?

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^^i buzz the sides with a 2, never been brave enough to touch the top though. i've let the top get about as long as that, but i've never been able to get it to stand up and look decent so i usually give up and get it shorter again. advice on product for that? i usually just use this with varying success


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  tg76 said:
i found some pics of my recent side chop outs (last couple of years)


fresh cut


couple of weeks later


this one is quite long still about 1" and my fringe is covering it anyways


d.i.y.. getting ready to be a bridesmaid/ learning to wear heels



vidal sassoon version

Ive been thinking about buzzing the sides of my head so I have a long gnarly grown out mohawk.... and you have made me see that being a girl, I can TOO pull it off.


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  tg76 said:

when i was a bridesmaid there were 6 of us and we all had variations of grown out mohawks worn girlie

none of these are buzzed off they are all scissor and comb

this is buzzed and grown back a few weeks


or very buzzed (mohawk tied up)


Haha, that second picture rules.

I took my dogs shears from my moms house last time i visited (gross but whatever... ). I usually groom him when we cant take him somewhere to have someone else do it. One of the guides for his shears is like a 7, so I figured I'd use that to get the grown out look without the hassle. Plus I know how short the guide cuts it, since I cut his hair.

I got this messy Jane Fonda 'do going on right now, and its growing out and I look a damn fool. Im sick of hair.

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That looks really similar to mine right now (e0d's). I am going to let it grow a bit...trying to pull this morrissey look off...only haircut I like for someone with my (shitty) hair


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i was asked a few times to take picture of the sides. it grew back since i went to the hair dresser, and was busy cuz i had exams. here are the pics (took them after being mad soaked outside, hence the wetness).



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I've been growing my hair out from completely shaved and I think it's time I at least went and got it tidied up, I was thinking just getting a short back and sides and leaving the top completely so as to either go for a jugend in 2-3 months or just keep growing it. Suggestions?


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Yeah, just keep cleaning it up every two or three weeks until you have something to work with. I've gone through the very same process as you several times, in fact, i'm doing it now.


Because you're in a middle stage, keeping a tight taper on the sides and back blended into short, rough facial hair looks great while you're waiting, and keeps you from looking like a cop while you're waiting for some length to grow in on the top.

  TPR950H said:
Placement looks different?

edit: and so are the ants. im confused.

His middle ant is sicker than any of mine. He got it from the same chart and now I want that fucking ant. He get's an A+ for doing better than the original.

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  NatseOklim said:
I've been growing my hair out from completely shaved and I think it's time I at least went and got it tidied up, I was thinking just getting a short back and sides and leaving the top completely so as to either go for a jugend in 2-3 months or just keep growing it. Suggestions?



Karel Roden?????

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