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Hair Thread


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Went and got a kinda nascent Jugend thing, number 1 on the sides and back, top left the same. It looks a little off right now because the top isn't long enough but it should give me a couple of months of trouble free hair now. Photos later maybe.

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Got it done at a barber shop called We Got You Faded. I'm pretty happy with it.

Don't mind all the gel. They used some sick-nasty semen gel that they normally use for blowouts. I'll probably just use some fiber for texture.

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  jeepster said:
fuck I need a haircut so bad

gonna go like a 1.5 on the sides and back

not touch the top

need to learn to do this shit myself.

I tried it myself last time and completely fucked it up, the dude who cut it for me today was super precise with the fade so I don't think I'd like to try and recreate what he managed!

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  jeepster said:
fuck I need a haircut so bad

gonna go like a 1.5 on the sides and back

not touch the top

need to learn to do this shit myself.

I would start off with a 3. you can always cut more away but you cant put it back. i actually do mine with a 4 although im not going for a radical jugend. take your time doing it. only do a little bit at a time so you dont take off too much. make sure you use multiple mirrors so you can see what you are doing. have a friend do the back if you dont have a good mirror setup, or at least double check the back of your head. as far as blending and texturizing that does take some pratice but as long as you approach it carefully than you cant do too much damage. I usually trim it at least every two weeks so that would really add up if i paid for them. plus salons seem to want to always cut my hair too short. that drove me to do it myself.

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  thorough said:
I would start off with a 3. you can always cut more away but you cant put it back. i actually do mine with a 4 although im not going for a radical jugend. take your time doing it. only do a little bit at a time so you dont take off too much. make sure you use multiple mirrors so you can see what you are doing. have a friend do the back if you dont have a good mirror setup, or at least double check the back of your head. as far as blending and texturizing that does take some pratice but as long as you approach it carefully than you cant do too much damage. I usually trim it at least every two weeks so that would really add up if i paid for them. plus salons seem to want to always cut my hair too short. that drove me to do it myself.

I got a 2 last time I went and got it cut

I sure as hell ain't doin it on myself for the actual haircut

I'm gonna start trimming it myself though.

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  bernt said:

Got it done at a barber shop called We Got You Faded. I'm pretty happy with it.

Don't mind all the gel. They used some sick-nasty semen gel that they normally use for blowouts. I'll probably just use some fiber for texture.

This reminds me of the shit i had on my head my last year of high school:


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bernt that shit looks pretty solid, usually i find when people bring in pictures of models with cuts it sets a pretty high standard and the person doesnt quite compare in the after pic, but yours is pretty true to the original

anyway i think tonight is going to be my last night of long doofus hair. tomorrow im gonna go and get like a johnny thunders (not the shag from glam/new york dolls era) typea thing so i can keep it messy but also slick it when i want to look a bit cleaner.

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  bernt said:

Got it done at a barber shop called We Got You Faded. I'm pretty happy with it.

Don't mind all the gel. They used some sick-nasty semen gel that they normally use for blowouts. I'll probably just use some fiber for texture.

so people are actually feelin this?

it's ugly.

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