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Hair Thread


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  geekbonchic said:

Yes, no, maybe so?


  thelightthatnevergoesout said:
hipsters here have been rocking it (or a variation thereof) for a looooong time. when there's this much interest, you KNOW it's the new fauxhawk...

I disagree. This is a classic cut that's sharp and very masculine. It's a huge shame that a few dorks are going to ruin a great thing for everybody else, but that's the way everything goes. They'll probably blow it out of proportion with long bangs or something equally as stupid.

the hj is a versatile cut to start with, so we can play with variations for a while before it becomes too cliche. The fauxhawk was cheaply bought youth and a tame stab at dolling up for cheap drinks and stupid women. It will never be classic because its angle is too easy to pull off.

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Guest itzo sherpa

I just got my hair cut, and I'm trying to style it like this guy on The Sartorialist:


Does anyone have any idea how I can easily achieve that look?

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itzo sherpa, I had my hair similar to that around a month ago, until I realised that it didn't really suit me.

It's pretty easy to style. Towel dry your hair, then part it while still wet. Then blow dry it while brushing back, rolling the brush up and under (if you know what I mean) the main part in order to create the volume. The subsidiary part (i.e. that guy's left hand side) you can just blow dry back and flat. If you blow dry it like this it'll generally hold its shape on its own, all that is left is to run some pomade through for extra hold and to tidy it up a bit.

I hope you were able to follow my rather convoluted explanation.

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does anyone have pics of cuts that have short sides and back blended to the top and having the top thinned or textured? EDIT: sort of like a crew cut but the top is left a little longer and textured. would that look retarded?

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  panicnation said:
Do it! Would match yr face and skin tone quite well methinks.

thats what i think too. i just don't know if it's gonna suit me as well as blonde. and once you go red, its no come back to blonde for a few months at least.

i was thinking of something like that, maybe a bit less orange


here's an old picture of me with pseudo red hair to give you an idea


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