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topman what the fuckkkkkkkkk


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I've never delt with them before, but a few days ago I tried buying a few pairs of shoes, but when I clicked order on the last page it stalled and didn't do anything- so I never got a "thanks for your order page". Then I didn't get a "thanks for your order" email. But my credit card was charged $310.78 (the price of the shoes). Now I tryed emailing them numerous times, I get no responseeeeeeeeeeeee.

what the fuck.

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Im from the UK so Topman's just a regular high street shop here.

I've got a few of topman's plain tee's. Sorry I can't compare them to AA, but in comparison to basic H&M ones (both small), they're a bit longer in length. Not much, only an inch or so. Bit looser than the H&M ones too

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It would probably be too difficult to implement for H&M, but if they could do it reasonably then I'm sure they'd get fucking hella rich.

It wouldn't be THAT difficult considering the amount of money they would get...

All they would have to do is

1) Stop varying their sizing so much OR take measurements of everything they sell in every size

2) Open an online shop

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Topman? I thought that was like H&M type shit...

It's much more trend-centric than H&M/Zara/Uniqlo. You'd probably love it right now, SS07 is all horrible trashy new rave shit. There's a neon belt that coordinates exactly with those GITD Blazers you own, for example, along with a whole other world of technicolour/acid wash shit.

The AW season previous was awesome though... every time I went in there I ended up walking out with another slim fit shirt. They did a great grey one button suit, but they sold out of 34 jackets so I had to make do with picking up the trousers for a tenner. Hopefully next season will be back to the well cut, understated stuff.

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they have a cheap (70ish usd) pair of button fly, selvedge raws that I would recommend, but thats about it.

Shit is paper fucking thin though. I'd have picked up a pair of the waxed raws if they didn't have that bullshit precreasing that companies like Topman and Gap are obsessed with spoiling all their jeans with.

Also, you're nuts by the way. Right now is the worst time in like 15 years to import from the UK to the US.

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It would probably be too difficult to implement for H&M, but if they could do it reasonably then I'm sure they'd get fucking hella rich.

I am very interested to know why this will be so diffucult to implement for the second largest clothing retailer on the planet? Also i used to live right by owner Stefan Perssons house, and i am sure he is pretty rich. Infact forbes magazine list him as #17 on the richest men/women in the world list. http://www.forbes.com/lists/2007/10/07billionaires_Stefan-Persson_XM99.html

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how would H&M opening an online store be difficult?

- where will operations be based?

- consequently, where will they ship and how will they set shipping rates?

- consequently, will people be willing to pay these shipping rates rather

than chancing trying to find what they want in-store?

- re-organizing their entire supply chain in order to feed stores and the

website with a constant supply of clothing.

- attempting to implement a system that can allow them to handle

the thousands of transactions they'd probably deal with

on a daily basis.

- establishing fair guarantee practices while being realistic in terms of

profit margins.

- translating the user experience from in-store to on-line reasonably well

without cannibalizing store profits.

- and so on and so on.

for example, Forever 21 has a US based webstore that couldn't be worse.

the site looks fine, but items are rarely updated, and things sell-out hilariously fast,

and they have had issues with shipping in the past, and blah blah blah.

on the other hand, in terms of fast fashion, Target has succeeded with selling their Go! International collections on their site in addition to stores for a number of reasons, the most important being that they're working with a limited number of items as opposed to a constant stream of new designs every two weeks.

fast fashion is difficult for a web retailer of H&Ms size. H&M could do it, but they'd either better have worked shit out for at least a year or two before launching, or else fail miserably.

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It would probably be too difficult to implement for H&M, but if they could do it reasonably then I'm sure they'd get fucking hella rich.
how would H&M opening an online store be difficult?

- where will operations be based?

- consequently, where will they ship and how will they set shipping rates?

- consequently, will people be willing to pay these shipping rates rather

than chancing trying to find what they want in-store?

- re-organizing their entire supply chain in order to feed stores and the

website with a constant supply of clothing.

- attempting to implement a system that can allow them to handle

the thousands of transactions they'd probably deal with

on a daily basis.

- establishing fair guarantee practices while being realistic in terms of

profit margins.

- translating the user experience from in-store to on-line reasonably well

without cannibalizing store profits.

- and so on and so on.

for example, Forever 21 has a US based webstore that couldn't be worse.

the site looks fine, but items are rarely updated, and things sell-out hilariously fast,

and they have had issues with shipping in the past, and blah blah blah.

on the other hand, in terms of fast fashion, Target has succeeded with selling their Go! International collections on their site in addition to stores for a number of reasons, the most important being that they're working with a limited number of items as opposed to a constant stream of new designs every two weeks.

fast fashion is difficult for a web retailer of H&Ms size. H&M could do it, but they'd either better have worked shit out for at least a year or two before launching, or else fail miserably.

I am sure none of the above will be a problem for H&M and i am sure they would not launch any yhing half decent. They have the size, the money, the personel, offices all around the globe. As you say, may take some time but it will be there.

My company has one pyschical store, and we ship around 200 orders a day about anywhere in the world. Africa, america, asia, europe, austraila and so on. Why would not a company with tousends of employees and billions of dollars manage to do the same? None of the problems pointed out in your reply seems anywhere nere troublesome for a company of that size. You realy think H&M would have a problem calculating profit margins? Come an!

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they have thousands of employees, but i can probably bet good money on not one of them being mobilized to take on web retailing.... yet. or more likely, they'll have to hire an entirely new workforce dedicated to their web sales.

i'm not implying they'd be troubled by any of this, i'm just saying that there are definite hurdles to take on, and that there is a possibility of failure.

they've done relatively well with online and catalog sales in sweden and the other nordic countries, according to quarterly reports i've looked at, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work out on a global scale.

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QUOTE=onemancult;507910]they have thousands of employees, but i can probably bet good money on not one of them being mobilized to take on web retailing.... yet. or more likely, they'll have to hire an entirely new workforce dedicated to their web sales.

Offcorce and they will in a second, if they lack personal with knowledge they need. Just head hunt for it.

i'm not implying they'd be troubled by any of this, i'm just saying that there are definite hurdles to take on, and that there is a possibility of failure.

Yes there are hurdels, and i am the first to say that H&M is a very old school thinking retail company they will probebly try to bild up physicall stores in evry american mall and try to conquer the us that way and only have the an online store as a backup for people not able to go to a store where they live. But what im saying is, even if they fail i bits, they will try again to they get it right. They have the means to fail like any company that size.

they've done relatively well with online and catalog sales in sweden and the other nordic countries, according to quarterly reports i've looked at, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work out on a global scale.

I live in sweden, and yes they do ok with their online strategy here, but thats only a very small part of the sales in sweden. Most sale are done face to face like ol times. But then we have an H&M in every street like you guys have starbucks in the us.

On the whole i must say that most large and also small companys has very poor online stores overall. US companys are for example very poor. I can not belive for example how many products from american brands my company ship back to american customers. People asking me about vans syndicates, nike sbs all kinds of stuff. How come i can sell it to america when not a singel american retailer or the companys themself can offer them to their costumers in their own country. That puzzels me. Mind that since the us dollar at the moment is kinda weak against the swedish krona. Plus shipping from europe they pay way more than the us retail price?

This shit is getting out of topic sorry for that

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My old roommate works on construction of new H&M stores, he was just in Beverly Hills for few weeks coordinating the new store there. He says there are so many new stores planned that he will have work for many years to come. Maybe they don't need online sales right now.

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My old roommate works on construction of new H&M stores, he was just in Beverly Hills for few weeks coordinating the new store there. He says there are so many new stores planned that he will have work for many years to come. Maybe they don't need online sales right now.

Thats what i am talking about priority for h&m is regular stores

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If a million other brick and mortar stores can open an online store, h&m can to. Every other chain store has to worry about the same thing.

I'd be interested in a few of the things off topman(shoes, a shirt or two) if it was a US store. The pound is absolutely killing the dollar right now. It's ridonkulous.

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