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The Grails


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I'll eventually get around to posting some photos...

Lowrider.. i'm serious, my initial post had zero sarcasm within it.

I like this thread, it's interesting to see what everybody considers to be their grail.


Thanks for clarifying. Hard to decipher the tone sometimes. I'm glad you posted though since your opinion is highly respected by the vast majority of this forum.

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sounds like kiya is actually has the correct usage of the term grail - things he wants but does not have yet.

I think that's the definition we should use in this thread. Jeans that you desperately want but do not (yet) possess - and may never possess.

I think it should be new jeans, not ones with amazing fades. We can start another thread (though 1 probably exists) about grail fades.

For me I don't think I have any grail jeans. But if I had to pick, I guess it'd be the Samurai S510XXAI. It's natural indigo, has cool buttons, very traditional cut, and isn't streaky like the Oni Shoai. Not sure if I'll like the fit on me but I want them none the less.

I may have to settle on the new AI-N since I can't seem to find a pair of the '05 version in my size anywhere.

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The reason why I like the 45rpm Jomons so much is because for the pages and pages of threads written about it (like that one from styleforum where ringring owned that shirtmaker guy), it is essentially (to me) an ordinary looking pair of jeans. They don't have the "look at me" irregular slub showiness of the Et868 or Oni ShoAi. To me, they represent, what I think, every repro company strives for. To make a jean of the pinnacle of quality material and construction, but at a level so understated, that to 99.9% of everyone who sees them, only see them as a normal pair of jeans. Which, to me, is what I consider the holy grail of jeans.

Of course, I have no idea what they would feel like worn, or how the cut would look on my body. If this were a "favourite jean" thread, I would choose my SC41955s . But if we're talking about grail jeans, then the Jomon would be the one for me.

And it's not because its one of the most expensive ones too. You can buy multiple pairs of Jomons for one pair of those Yoripiko jeans.

very nice post sir :)

let us look into the future, and if in ten years' time i own a pair of

- 45rpm sorahiko

- SC40301 okinawa

- SC40300 ryukyuai

- eternal 811

- evisu lot 2000 no. 1 special

i think the stars in my universe will be complete.

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This is stupid, but I wouldn't pick a brand. I would want a custom pair so that it was tailored for me with exactly the type of denim I want (slubby, heavy), natural indigo, with quality hardware & construction, but fit me & only me perfectly. Maybe there's a pair out there that I will eventually find, but I like the idea of them being only made for me personally, not by any particular designer or brand, but just a good tailor/seamstress. But like I said, it's kind of stupid, but it's what I would consider my grail.

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The reason why I like the 45rpm Jomons so much is because for the pages and pages of threads written about it (like that one from styleforum where ringring owned that shirtmaker guy), it is essentially (to me) an ordinary looking pair of jeans. They don't have the "look at me" irregular slub showiness of the Et868 or Oni ShoAi. To me, they represent, what I think, every repro company strives for. To make a jean of the pinnacle of quality material and construction, but at a level so understated, that to 99.9% of everyone who sees them, only see them as a normal pair of jeans. Which, to me, is what I consider the holy grail of jeans.

Of course, I have no idea what they would feel like worn, or how the cut would look on my body. If this were a "favourite jean" thread, I would choose my SC41955s . But if we're talking about grail jeans, then the Jomon would be the one for me.

And it's not because its one of the most expensive ones too. You can buy multiple pairs of Jomons for one pair of those Yoripiko jeans.

Excellent post. I cange my answer to the Jomons. Too bad they are always out of reach...

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me I don't think I have any grail jeans. But if I had to pick, I guess it'd be the Samurai S510XXAI. It's natural indigo, has cool buttons, very traditional cut, and isn't streaky like the Oni Shoai. Not sure if I'll like the fit on me but I want them none the less.

I may have to settle on the new AI-N since I can't seem to find a pair of the '05 version in my size anywhere.

I retract the statement above. Turns out I won't like the fit of the S510XX.

I've seen the Jomons on Ayn in person and they're nice but grail status? Maybe I'd have to examine a pair more closely and try them on for a bit.

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Evisu lot 2000 #1

Samurai 505 (especially since they discontinued them!!! Argh!)

Broken in 60's-70s 501s... I would love to find those thrifting somewhere. Those, I think would be a true grail, as it would more a matter of luck than money as far as finding the perfect pair.

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