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I am not an alcoholic!!!


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I just don't want to bother with packing my bottles and I'm moving at the end of the month. I swear + there's nothing better to emptying a sake bottle and moving on to Pastis, makes your stomach all tingly anfd stuff.

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Save me some of that Sake!! ;)

Or at least save some for the next meeting (wed?)

Thursday would be perfect....but sake is all out, too bad as it's a brand you can't find here (knew a stewardess...makes for nice gifts)

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The notion of 'alcoholics' is just a fabricated tale that mums use to frighten their little kids from drinking alcohol.

The notion of 'alcoholics' in what sense is fabricated? I mean, the phrase denotes someone who is addicted to alcohol to such a degree that not drinking becomes difficult, often at a detriment to other parts of their life. So yes, the notion itself is 'fabricated,' but does that somehow make it less valid? Language itself is 'fabricated.' I don't understand this arguments purpose or meaning.

If you're arguing that there is no such thing as an alcoholic, going by the definition that's been 'fabricated' for it, then you are simply a fool.

Am I taking this too seriously? I imagine so.

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The notion of 'alcoholics' in what sense is fabricated? I mean, the phrase denotes someone who is addicted to alcohol to such a degree that not drinking becomes difficult, often at a detriment to other parts of their life. So yes, the notion itself is 'fabricated,' but does that somehow make it less valid? Language itself is 'fabricated.' I don't understand this arguments purpose or meaning.

If you're arguing that there is no such thing as an alcoholic, going by the definition that's been 'fabricated' for it, then you are simply a fool.

Am I taking this too seriously? I imagine so.



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I) I regularly drink enough for some to call too much. I enjoy drinking very much, both with others and on my own both as a social aid and as a mental release.

2) A few years ago I watched and tended a very close relative over a period of three months, from the time he was first admitted to hospital with acute alcoholism through to intensive care where he died slowly and agonisingly, ending in a coma with his organs failing one by one.

Perhaps posting this is being oversensitive, but holding his hand and counting down his breaths when they eventually switched off the machine that kept him breathing was a significant event for me and I'd ask that you spare some consideration for that experience before you make any more jokes.

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Perhaps posting this is being oversensitive

To be brutally honest, yes it is. Then again, I get a bit sick of militant oversensitives when I make jokes about being an alcoholic, because generally I've lost more family members to alcohol related problems, and will probably lose a couple more.

If we pandered to everyone's sensitivities all the time, there'd be nothing left to laugh about. What makes your ones so special? It's not like people are sending you emails or jumping out of your monitor, it's a public forum.

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Militant oversensibilities? Think you may have the wrong man, sir.

Like you say this is a public forum. It follows that I'm allowed to state my case when I see something I disagree with - in this instance someone posting flippant remarks about serious subjects they may not understand, on a fashion forum, in the section it reserves for jokes and oddities.

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I know someone who was an alcoholic and it ruined their entire life, wife up and left him took the kids too, even after he cleaned himself up she ws reluctant to take him back and now he constantly regrets his earlier choices in life. The downside is now since he'll probably die anyway from smoking 2 packs of cig's a day. I did see him drink once and it was rather disturbing...I mean he polished off a 12 pack in like the drop of a hat and was straight sober looking for more booze.

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ive met some incredible people thru AA and rehabs and booze seems to be a tough one to get by...it is the only drug where you can actually die from going thru withdrawls...in detox my roomate was having a tuff time even with benzo's they were giving us..he was seeing things and shaking all the time.

since its legal and its everywhere the cravings and reminders must be tuff...

i recently finished reading "hello my name is bill w"...the life story of bill wilson who started AA..very good read.

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The notion of 'alcoholics' in what sense is fabricated? I mean, the phrase denotes someone who is addicted to alcohol to such a degree that not drinking becomes difficult, often at a detriment to other parts of their life. So yes, the notion itself is 'fabricated,' but does that somehow make it less valid? Language itself is 'fabricated.' I don't understand this arguments purpose or meaning.

If you're arguing that there is no such thing as an alcoholic, going by the definition that's been 'fabricated' for it, then you are simply a fool.

Am I taking this too seriously? I imagine so.

me thinks thou doth protest too much?

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