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Anybody Dealt with a "Quarter-life" Crisis?


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Apreciate the post Tg.

Hope things get better will, no bs, I know peeps that are constantly being thrown through shit. There prospects aren't looking to good and everyone know it.

I found this part interesting:

In The Cheating Culture, David Callahan illustrates that these ills of excessive competition and insecurity do not always end once one becomes established – by being awarded tenure or "partner" status – and therefore the "quarter-life crisis" may actually extend beyond young adulthood. Some measure of financial security – which usually requires occupational security – is necessary for psychological development. Some have theorized that insecurity in the "New Economy" will place many in a state of, effectively, perpetual adolescence, and that the rampant and competitive consumerism of the 1990s and 2000s indicates that this is already taking place
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i was gonna make this same post later this week...except in the coffessional.

Ive had this unbelievably strong desire lately to find a good woman, move to the country, have a child, and then lead a life off the land. Have some livestock, grow crops, that sort of thing. Take a few months every year to go out and take pictures. Fuck, sounds so perfect to me right now.

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^^ yea seriously man.... i hate when i find things that i wrote when i was younger because all i can do is roll my eyes at it...maybe what we'll be doing in the future in reference to our quarter life issues lol

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i've got one of the symptoms, feeling like everyone else is doing better than me, but i have always felt this.

i think that i am avoiding the typical QLC issues by having realistic and attainable goals set out before me both short-term and long-term.

being on top of my game is my anti-crisis.

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This is terrible, I fit every single one of the symptoms except for the wanting a child one. But I think the psychoanalysis thing is bit blown out - at least for me - not here to argue against people who benefit/need it. I do feel like if natural selection applied to human beings, i'd probably be dead long time ago.

I just tell myself that depression and visits to shrinks are luxury and that there are people my age in deeper shit, and that if more of these problems exist, shrinks will do more business (this isn't a good argument, I just tell that to myself to comfort myself).

underachieving, being grumpy on my own time and own terms is fine, it kills when concerned people ask me 'what are you doing with your life?'

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time capsule moment... please report back when you are in your late 20's

im looking foward to my midlife "crisis".. get me a tacky car and a toyboy to compensate for the fact that im past my use by date

so true theres nothing like a well planned midlife crisis...I want a muscle car and two boytoys one from a third world country who doesnt speak english but looks like a " God" and bucks like a horse.

I had two quarter life crisis..one at 21 while still living with my mom I just cracked one day throwing things crying cant breath..mom freaking out thinking im on drugs then i moved out and was ok for 2 years then another one at 23 artist boyfriend pissing me off crying all the time about bullshit . Came home from work one day at 2 in the morning and no lie he was in the dark sitting by the window with a bottle of vodka in his hand crying and listening to mozart....good times:mad:

Then i realized that things like that made me stronger it sucks cause at 23 I thought id be somewhere different but I dumped the artist, kept the apartment, okay job, great friends, have sex when i want, semi healthy. Plus a friend of mine told me once whatever you want you can have you just have to "think it into being" and "the world is your oyster" and that always makes me feel better.

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yeah... i go thru it every 3 years so far since i was 19.... fuck... im in it right now. i want to give up everything and just find something new... get involved in something im passionate about, but i have too many responsibilitys with my children to be able to realisticly do it...

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I have another year of college, but I'm already dealing with all of those symptoms except for the desire to have children.

My biggest problems are feeling unsatisfied because I'm not in a relationship and that when I graduate companies will not be impressed with my portfolio.

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does anyone else tell themselves that abusing drugs and alcohol 5 nights a week are just a product of youth, but are secretly concerned that eventually this will just become your life?

dont worry now...report back when it hits 7 nights and you are shooting dope in the greyhound bathroom.

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i was gonna make this same post later this week...except in the coffessional.

Ive had this unbelievably strong desire lately to find a good woman, move to the country, have a child, and then lead a life off the land. Have some livestock, grow crops, that sort of thing. Take a few months every year to go out and take pictures. Fuck, sounds so perfect to me right now.

that does sound perfect actually.

but to the op: take solace in the fact that everyonei know has gone through this (sometimes more than once) or is going through it now. find your center and what makes you happy. go from there.

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does anyone else tell themselves that abusing drugs and alcohol 5 nights a week are just a product of youth, but are secretly concerned that eventually this will just become your life?

the idea is to build up a life so that when you wake up and realise you've not been sober for a couple of years, there's an outside world tied in to everything that keeps it recreational and not the be all and end all.

either that, or suck it up, get fucked off your face and die in a gutter

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I'm with Minya on this one. While there are certainly dynamics that uniquely affect today's 20-somethings (e.g. extreme job insecurity, rapid expansion of educational debt), this shit is just part of growing up and becoming an adult.

To be honest, I think a lot of it is from people being too fucking coddled -- all this "the world is your oyster", "you are special", "just be yourself", "do what makes you happy" BS that baby boomer parents spew at their children.

Fact is, until you are in comfortable retirement, being an adult is probably always going to be an uphill battle. Don't expect to find satisfaction or fulfillment from your job -- if you do, consider yourself lucky, but it certainly isn't owed to you.

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the idea is to build up a life so that when you wake up and realise you've not been sober for a couple of years, there's an outside world tied in to everything that keeps it recreational and not the be all and end all.

either that, or suck it up, get fucked off your face and die in a gutter

i'm not sure if i have the guts to build up a real life, but at the same time i'm positive i dont have the guts to hobo out and die in a gutter. i wish life was static sometimes.

and mr. wrenchild, what a fucking horrid outlook on life. this sounds like the dickshit teachers in my elementary school who would say shit like "YEAH? Well life's not fair, get used to it." Great life lesson there Mr. Asshead.

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another thread on teen/20's whining about stress blah blah blah. Just cause you have the fucking internet now and wikipedia, you think you have psychoanalyzed every problem known to man, and you have it. Fucking psycho-hypochondriacs....yes i agree with mwrnchd, fucking suck it up, quit living off the govt/your parents/etc. and get a real life.

We've all been through this phase in our lives, you are not special.

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