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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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Friday night

Girlfriend's friend organised a clubbing event. Not really my thing, but once in a while for a laugh why not

Quick bite before the event



On the way


The crowd


In the middle of the gig, suddenly 3 guys came out playing didgeridoos which I found quite hilarious. Had to snap a picture as a tribute to Cameland...:-)


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Thanks Largo

Now for some more touristy/locally-flavoured update. I've been meaning to put this up for a while now.

It's the middle of the Ramadan month now and the special thing for only this month is there are 'Food Bazaars' at certain spots around town. Plenty of people come to the bazaar, not just Malays/Muslims who buys food to break fast with but also Chinese/Indians as well because there they can find all sorts of local dishes at one place. At other times, they actually have to make an effort to hunt these dishes down.

Anyhow, this is one that is quite close to my place. It's one of the biggest around, with about 200 food stalls. I took pictures of those which I thought were the most interesting but if there's a demand, I can always pop over to get more pictures...


The crowd



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A stall selling grilled chicken cooked over charcoal fire. Advertised as 'Ayam Golek' or Rolling Chicken. Guess it makes sense...


Barbequed chicken...


One of the most popular stalls there; grilled fish


Plenty of side dishes to choose from to have with your rice


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Now this is at a different bazaar, different day. Excuse the ratty sandals


This bazaar is much smaller than the one before but it has 1 particular specialty.

Here's the line of people lining up for it.




Keep in mind these pictures were taken at about 4.15 pm. So not only was it raining, people were queing for about 1 hour to get the damn thing, it was also about 3 hours before the time to break fast and they could actually eat it.

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Anyhow, to show what they were queing for




Yep, spring rolls.

Have to admit that they are nice. Personally, I don't think it's worth the effort but that's Malaysians for you - we take our food very seriously. Rumour has it that one of the former King of Malaysia specifically asked for this during his meals which gave the nickname 'Popiah Agong' (King's Spring Roll) for it

I'll post more pictures in the blog (once I get down to it.)

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Thanks guys. Cotton Duck, I'll try to take more food pictures just for you...:-)

Friday night. Had a quiet night up at a rooftop bar/club of a hotel (Trader's Hotel) in town.


With the girlfriend (she's responsible for some of the pics I have been posting)


First time I've been to the place - food was pretty good, the drinks weren't, venue was way too warm but it's got...


...one helluva...




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