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Graffiti Saved My Life

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spotted this on 12oz prophet. (going back to the aka book)

Quote: since the cat's out of the bag anyways, here's a list of some names of people that contributed directly...

Futura 2000, Kaws, Todd James, Crude Oil, Ket, KR, Desa, Cope2, Jee, Ovie, Ghost, Skuf, Crae, Miss17, 323, Skrew, PJay, Jest, Zeus, Ces, Veefer, Cap, Os Gemeos, Dero, Noah, Virus, Rebel, Giant, Merz, Hope, Dash Snow, Earsnot, Raven, Peter Sutherland, Demo, Seph, Miguel Diaz de Lopez, Adorn, Peter Rentz, Presscott McDonald, Evan Hecox, jeffstaple, John Duda, Steve Harrington, Kimou Meyer, Dan Funderburgh, Max Vogel, Ryan Waller, Pres Rodriguez, Harsh Patel, Marco Cibola, Noah Butkus, Struggle Inc, Pete Christofferson and many more.

and from the press release...


RELEASE DATE: September 2005



- 190 full-color pages + several gatefolds

- Fold-out poster

- Kiss-cut sticker sheet insert

- Tipped in die-cut vinyl stickers

- Tipped in postcards

- 22.5cm x 22.5cm pop-up diorama by TRUCE

- Three collector covers

- Numbered edition of 10,000 (includes all three cover versions)

- Individually sealed custom printed polybags

- 100 exclusive hardcover copies (Not for sale)


- Kaws - www.kawsone.com

- Futura 2000 - www.futura2000.com

- Todd James / Reas - www.reasaok.com

- plus guest appearances by the vandals from in and around NYC


- Cody Hudson - Struggle Inc - www.struggleinc.com

- Eric Elms - Adorn / Supreme / Priceless - www.ericadorn.com

- Jeff Staple - Staple Design - www.stapledesign.com

- Peter Rentz - Graphic Havoc - www.ghava.com

- Evan Hecox - www.evanhecox.com

- Sace - www.irakny.com

- National Forest - www.nationalforest.com

- Kimou Meyer - Grotesk - www.grotesk.to

- Max Vogel - RazaUno - www.razauno.com

- Desa - MTA

- Thingmaking - www.thingmaking.com

- KR - www.krink.com

- Justin Fines - Demo Design - www.demo-design.com

- Marco Cibola - www.workbymarco.com

- Noah Butkus - www.safeaskittens.com

- Presscott McDonald - www.presscott.net

- Pete Christofferson - PK Militia - www.pkmlta.com

- Dan Funderburg - Thought Ninjas - www.thoughtninjas.com

- Pres Rodriguez

- Miguel Diaz de Lopez - www.artfindings.net

- Peter Sutherland - peter.colab.org

- Ket - AOK / RIS

- Cope2 - KD / GOD - www.cope2truelegend.com

and many more...

Edited by onehundredyen on Jul 29, 2005 at 01:11 PM

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yea umm, im doing a project in school about the history of graffiti and ive decided to make a marker.

any suggestions on how to make one out of common items? or should i just go and buy a uni. unis should be in most stores right?

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1) Buy a pilot marker, and gut that motha.

2) Take out the tip, filter, and empty the ink.

3) Fill the empty marker body with an ink of your choice: Krink, Pilot, Marsh, etc.

4) Take a chalk board eraser, rip a strip off and fold it into the pilot marker.

5) Wrap electrical tape around the nib and the marker body.

6) Tag your teacher in the face.

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for the deodorant one, id use a sock instead of felt. its way easier.

also, for stealth shit, empty a chapstick container, melt some wax on the bottom to seal it, fill with marsh gravy, put a felt tip form a balckboard eraser in, or any fabric that ink can move thorugh. use once and chuck.


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Quote: and about the shoe polish thing. do i just fill it with krink and thats all?

Pretty much.

I use the Kiwi stuff that comes in a white bottle, it has a better shape compared to the new Kiwi shoe polish applicators.

Just empty out the stuff inside, rinse it out, fill it with Krink or your own homemade ink, and leave some drippy tags!

Some people like to remove the plastic piece that connects the nib to the container. I've noticed you can get drippier tags if you do that.

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oh and one more thing. can i get a fatcap from a common household item like maybe starch or something because my presentation is due thursday and i dont want to buy some caps online because they might not get here on time.

edit: haha im in the hundreds. now i can die in peace.

Edited by red on May 21, 2006 at 01:37 AM

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