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Filling the gaping void in my life


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RE: elliott smith.

when you are good at something and do it often, you are not empty, because you are filled with various things: pride, success, respect from others.

elliot smith killed himself because he was good at absolutely nothing on this planet, particularly music.

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Yeah everythings cool, thanks, but like, I'm feeling like life is completely lame lately, big existential crisis.

[Edit: probably just because I'm a teenager, but nonwithstanding]

Wait til you're in your second year of university...

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Even when you have something you're good at or passionate about, it's still really tough at times... kind of cyclical. Right now I'm feeling the same--on vacation and nothing to do, I feel like a worthless sack of shit with this retarded project I want to do that has no real goals...

Sometimes the freakout is good for kicking your ass into gear. Sometimes.

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RE: elliott smith.

when you are good at something and do it often, you are not empty, because you are filled with various things: pride, success, respect from others.

elliot smith killed himself because he was good at absolutely nothing on this planet, particularly music.

Doing enough drugs to believe that Dreamworks or whatever broke into his house probably didn't help.

Also, I'm feeling you, Crillz. The whole teenage-existential crisis has got me feeling down at the moment as well. I've been trying to make some decent dance music with Reason, so that's providing a mild enough distraction. Of course, I am, thus far, failing most miserably.

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RE: elliott smith.

when you are good at something and do it often, you are not empty, because you are filled with various things: pride, success, respect from others.

elliot smith killed himself because he was good at absolutely nothing on this planet, particularly music.


Come on, I expected you of all people to get the lame joke.

And i agree, dude sucks...i went as him for halloween a couple years ago (butter knife, blood stained s/medium white tee, chucks) and got kicked out of the party i went too because of it.

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Okay so drugs don't work, neither do random sexual encounters; I refuse to accept a higher power. Any suggestions? No gay jokes, please.

...sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eat you, lay into the whiskey, Irish style and stick your fingers up at all purveyors of a higher power...

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Even when you have something you're good at or passionate about, it's still really tough at times... kind of cyclical. Right now I'm feeling the same--on vacation and nothing to do, I feel like a worthless sack of shit with this retarded project I want to do that has no real goals...
Sidney : Try to initiate projects of shorter duration (that run in parallel with long-term projects). Shorter projects allow you to test more ideas/concepts/etc. and reap the rewards at regular intervals, which in turn will keep you motivated and energized.

Also in your case I highly recommend collaborations with creatives in other mediums.

Crillz : Along similar lines, don't over-think things. Spend more time doing; break out of your doldrums by taking on new challenges, particularly those that will force you to confront your fears and the bad (safe?) habits they engender. Sounds to me like your ready for that next something in your life. Sometimes finding it requires dramatic change.


Now for the ass shot...


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I feel your pain Crillz. I'm on the same shit that Sidney's on right now .. out of school for the moment, and not working yet .. I feel pretty shitty because of having too much free time to over analyze things.

But I always think about shit too much even when I'm busy as hell.

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