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this "what is hardcore" or "what is punk" crap cracks me up. it seems every 4 years or a so a new generation of scenesters comes to a point where they decide that they are the experts, and then what to define what has been such a large part of their life through high school and college. then us older folks sit back and laugh, because we all went through the same phase years before. lastly, what this has to do with the supershopping forum, i'll never know.

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i got this shirt not too long ago, sweet...


tons of stuff for sale now on ebay: corpus, Rag & Bone, Helmut Lang, levi's premium, Gap, vintage etc.


tried to get this shirt, but not my size...

wish havoc records still made them!


Edited by poly800rock on Jan 13, 2006 at 09:17 PM

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Wow, I didn't know this many people were into hardcore here.


American Nightmare


Negative Approach


Oh yeah, fuck the B9. Who remembers the Mullet board?

EDIT: Listen to Shipwreck.

Edited by LanceP on Mar 14, 2006 at 06:45 AM

--- Original message by LanceP on Mar 14, 2006 06:42 AM

shipwreck rules
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Eff a black hoodie. Champion Reverse Weaves.

I for one, really like the wave of reunions going on lately. It's allowed me to see Gorilla Biscuits, Bold, 108, Beyond, Damnation A.D., Underdog, Lifetime, and probably a bunch of others I can't even remember right now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Quicksand...

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Eff a black hoodie. Champion Reverse Weaves.

I for one, really like the wave of reunions going on lately. It's allowed me to see Gorilla Biscuits, Bold, 108, Beyond, Damnation A.D., Underdog, Lifetime, and probably a bunch of others I can't even remember right now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Quicksand...

--- Original message by headtowall on Mar 14, 2006 02:37 PM

quicksand should do one in good time, and when it does i will lose my mind
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ive been out of the hardcore loop for a minute now; any new acts holdin it down?

edit. my innate hardcore elitism already answered my question. btwi couldnt agree with you more nowadays candice.

toma açaí

Edited by azad on Mar 14, 2006 at 07:25 PM

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Hardcore sucks! The late 80's had a lot of good bands and since then not much has happened that's new and appealing. Since getting into hardcore I've met too many shitty people, seen tons of terrible fights, listened to some god aweful bands and delt with people thinking they are the bees knees because they know this band or have these jeans on or got into the show for free. I had some good times going places (mostly the east coast) and met a few amazing people who are still my good friends.

Straight edge only exists cause fuck ups need some place to go so they can feel cool too. Everybody needs somewhere to fit in.

Only bands in HC right now I know are friends bands. Otherwise, I don't check it out anymore.

Razzle Dazzle, Mental, Cold World, Mind Eraser, LOJ and Violent Minds

If I lived somewhere other than Detroit I'd probably feel differently.

--- Original message by youwish on Nov 13, 2005 07:45 PM

it's quite amazing how hardcore and hip hop mirror each other. both had their golden eras ca. 87-94, both are anti-establishment, provide(-d, whats with this fsu shit) safe alternatives to the youth. and both are being raped by viacom/clear channel/ whiny wannabes. and each scene nowadays has its own dress code. I remember when kids used to flip out of style cheap clothes and still come fresh. it's all well and good to rock nice clothes, but alot of it is unoriginal and too contrived.

toma açaí

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in my mind i've begun to relate hip hop and krump dancing to hardcore vs. the general punk movement. in a lot of ways you can see similarities, pockets of kids gathering and becomign disillusioned with their area and the mentality a lot of the kids have fallen into. there is a digression from just "anti-establishment" and instead a need or want to create some kind of community.

it is a bit of a stretch, but i think there's a lot more connections and parallels than a lot of people realize.

as a whole i still love hardcore. i can't say that i was around during the 80's, scene during the 90's, and i don't even call myself straight edge. but why should i have to to be, in order to be able to enjoy something? why should my birth year or my ethnicity, or my clothing, any of it separate me from what i like? that's what i hate about hardcore-- that closed minded centralized structure.

i think as a whole i just hate stereotyping and labels. i understand the psychological responses to "schemas" and what not-- but there's a huge difference between being an asshole and being a human.

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Hardcore sucks! The late 80's had a lot of good bands and since then not much has happened that's new and appealing. Since getting into hardcore I've met too many shitty people, seen tons of terrible fights, listened to some god aweful bands and delt with people thinking they are the bees knees because they know this band or have these jeans on or got into the show for free. I had some good times going places (mostly the east coast) and met a few amazing people who are still my good friends.

Straight edge only exists cause fuck ups need some place to go so they can feel cool too. Everybody needs somewhere to fit in.

Only bands in HC right now I know are friends bands. Otherwise, I don't check it out anymore.

Razzle Dazzle, Mental, Cold World, Mind Eraser, LOJ and Violent Minds

If I lived somewhere other than Detroit I'd probably feel differently.

--- Original message by youwish on Nov 13, 2005 07:45 PM

it's quite amazing how hardcore and hip hop mirror each other. both had their golden eras ca. 87-94, both are anti-establishment, provide(-d, whats with this fsu shit) safe alternatives to the youth. and both are being raped by viacom/clear channel/ whiny wannabes. and each scene nowadays has its own dress code. I remember when kids used to flip out of style cheap clothes and still come fresh. it's all well and good to rock nice clothes, but alot of it is unoriginal and too contrived.

--- Original message by azad on Mar 14, 2006 08:10 PM

they really are, and it seems that whatever is fashionable and trendy and such in hardcore and hip hop soon after becomes mainstream trends
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Guest Airjamie

I agree with you kids on the black hoodie fashion thing. If i see another one of these kids im going to fucking vomit. Has punk rock ever been as dead as it is today? I spoke to tony pines a couple days ago, at least ohio wont put up with this shit.

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you know what? hc is so fucking cool its not even funny. if you look at the cro mags or raybeez RIP or richie cipriano or reagan youth 1988 or any of that shit you just cant fuck with it. all the cocksmokers on this board who just got into comme des garcons and t shirts last year and are trying to get over ninja tunes, trying to find something cooler than nudies and pretending theyre too cool for sneakers when they were buying SB classics last year will never even touch or understand what style truly is.

hc is straight up the coolest shit in the world, even when its fucking gay like it is now, even when so many hc kids suck so hard (which i aint sayin they do, but face the facts, its pretty gay now), when so many bands were so disappointing and failed in the biggest way, theres no girls, no money in it but it is so fucking good that you just cant touch it man, even when it sucks it doesnt compare to when its so fuckin ill.

my life gets worse every day but i will always get by on another day when i think of how fucked id be if i hadt gotten into hc, how many good things hc has done for me, how many cool people i met and how lucky i am to have found it. straight up its the illest, geto boys 1989 cash money 1999 is some fly fly shit but you cant fuck with enn why aiche see

i aint no homo'ing this post even though hc is so so so gay sometimes. fuck its gay

shout outs to all the true hc kids.. dont cut any corners

fuck corny newjack hc pussy sneakerheads

you know who yall are

cro mags

i started something

Edited by telluride11 on Mar 14, 2006 at 10:47 PM

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the best hardcore bands i know (no namers now) arent even part of the scene, because the scene's full of trendy crabs. in a way, that's what makes their material so much better; it's like a breath of fresh air.

toma açaí

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