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Creation is Crucifixion "Dethrone or Devour"???

I just found an extra copy if someone wants to buy or trade for it...



Oh shit, just found a copy of Automata LP too (chipboard sleeve version on Willowtip)!

Someone buy these up!

Hahaha Nice. I may be interested in the Automata LP, although I have a copy of that. Funny shit is, right I posted that bit about needing the split with Unruh and In Silico...I found them that same week (along with the Jihad/Ottawa split)...luck is the bastard.

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internal affairs last show was nuts... lone wolf, pressvre, terror, alpha & omega, no turning back, violation, trash talk as the special guest, down to nothing playing smash it and of course internal affairs. if you live in socal and didn't make it to this show, you suck.

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I am sad that the dude from Verse died and Shai Hulud is taking over their spot on the NFG tour.

I am happy that my friend discovered Dangers. They are everything Ceremony wishes they are and more. So, listen.

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I am sad that the dude from Verse died and Shai Hulud is taking over their spot on the NFG tour.

I am happy that my friend discovered Dangers. They are everything Ceremony wishes they are and more. So, listen.

a) that band doesnt really sound like ceremony, or any real powerviolence, or whatever you want them to sound like. it's kind of generic.

B) they have song titles that sound like they should be fall out boy song titles. saved by the buoyancy of citrus? really?

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Uh I too don't see the comparison with Ceremony? Cause the dude is yelling really loud?

Otherwise, it's pretty straight-forward/standard hardcore punk for the kids to dance and sing along to. Eh. Not even one blast-beat in sight...nor do they play into a slow, brooding creep...if anything, I'd compare this type of stuff to Bane or some other Youth'y Posi shit.

mind you, I'm not even the biggest Ceremony fan...I just know they are heavily influenced by some of the great/classic powerviolence bands, those of whom I fully endorse and believe can smash whole albums of stuff like Dangers with a crushing 4 second blast of sonic damagery.

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dangers are boring and the singer always explains the lyrics which don't need any explanation at all. it's annoying when they play a show I'm at. I have seen them do 2 excellent covers though. nirvana and botch. both were flawless, and got me to come in from outside to rock out.

no one from graf orlock died, they're just liars. I heard they're way better with the new singer, but haven't seen 'em yet. Won't go out of my way to do so, either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i'm stuck in the 90's mostly...

Unruh, Creation Is Crucifixion, Dystopia, Spazz, Meadowlark, Dropdead...that's what's on the hardcore side of my Shuffle...

I've fallen upon Villains recently...I guess I'd consider them hardcore...like some type of crust sprinkled with black metal...

Pellinore is a band that I kinda liked when I first heard em...have to sit down and go through a full release. The writing seemed very on-point (crazy dungeons n dragons warfare)... I don't hate Trash Talk anymore, after hearing bits of this most recent album, but I still don't know about them...whenever I think of Ceremony or Trash Talk...I then go "well why don't I put on Iron Lung or Crossed Out (or any other certified great, pv band...classic or the few new ones who kill)"...

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^spazz. thats all you need really. i mean theres many more good ones, but none touch spazz imo.

but as for what "hardcore" ive been digging on lately, hmm... none really, except maybe his hero is gone. all my music taste has gone to the sub bass tectonic doom lately. (except the new mastodon, shit is killer)

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