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Fuck All These

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Guest StuckOnStupid
yea i should be getting drunk in the middle of the school day you dumb fuck... i actually have a future ahead of me, im going to an ivy league college this fall (upenn), so im not gonna do dumb shit that could ruin that. i love the hate, keep it coming. i have a ridiculous amount of free time during the school day, and i dont mess with chicks in my school so i just go to sleep in the library, lift weights, or browse the web.

and for you information, this weekend i got drunk at my own club's party at school and got brain from this chick in a classroom (largest event of the year @ my school, 700 kids, majority of which are from outside of school)... im doing me dont worry about that. i dont know why i typed that cuz people probably wont believe that anyway but yea lol. anyway yes i may be a pretentious prick on this website, but thats because im bored at school and have nothing better to do.

as far as talking about clothing, why not, i enjoy dressing well and learning new things (ie i didnt know WTF selvedge was early last year). have a nice day. you asshole lol.

now if youll excuse me ill continue to be tough and go watch 24


i wasn't such a prick in HS, was i?

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fuck all you fuckers that still fucking live at fucking home and fucking use your parents' fucking cash to fucking buy expensive fucking shit to wear and take fucking pictures of your fucking self and fucking post that fucking shit on the internets so you can fucking get fucking +rep.

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When's the chopping block getting resurrected?

FUCK YOUUUU, just cause some of you dont have the fuckin balls to say shit...just sit back and view bitches if you dont liek my comments....afterall this is supertrash faggots so fuckin chill

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She's cool with me ever since I came over for brunch last week.

She poured fresh-squeezed orange juice and fine champagne into her bellybutton, bellydanced for me while frying up some bacon and eggs in a skillet she heated using the smoldering bruises on her body, served it all on lovely square kitchenware from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, poured the warm mimosa out of her body directly into my mouth after I finished the food.

Afterwards, we played canasta and I won twice.

Best. other. man's. wife. ever.

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Ewwww...warm mimosa. Might as well use frozen oj and Andre...

I prefer the eggs, cheese and Welche's grape bitch made me after I beat her ass from not letting me stick it in her poopar.

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Why don't you go back to taking cell phone pictures of your employers' cars?

But then those past-expiration date trophy wives are paying you to weed the garden, not smoke it.

your right....since I love to take out my camera and take pics and then upload them.....are you fuckin kidding me...what is this superfuture...oh wait it is...let me strike a pose...hahaha......no

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your right....since I love to take out my camera and take pics and then upload them.....are you fuckin kidding me...what is this superfuture...oh wait it is...let me strike a pose...hahaha......no

this tellms me english is your first language. but only just.

brad, why do you bring the snob out of me?

every comment i read of yours, i cannot but feel sorry for you.

which is ridiculous because your the one driving an expensive car etc etc but still.

i forget my point, but im sure you understand

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