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SuFu Dictionary.

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There are so many inside-lingos on SuFu, and for newbies like me it is sometimes difficult to fully comprehend what some post actually means.

Take "hap pose" for example. It seriously took me a couple weeks of browsing through WAYWT to figure it out. Or that "0123456789" thing. What is that???

So please. Can we make a SuFu dictionary?

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Ten characters or 1234567890 or any variation of it: When posting a post (redundancy?) on SuFu it requires a minimum of lenght of 10 characters for the message, so when its short answers like "yes", "no" or "dope" people use that to fill in the extra characters.

hows that for a deff?

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the Hectic Scale

describes how awesome something is on a numerical scale from 0

to positive infinity. Hectic 9.5, hectic 34.555, and hectic 4,563,342.32439657000234

are all acceptable.

the Hectic scale was born when some dunce said "tailored shoes are hectic",

when he meant something along the lines of "fashion shows are hectic".

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Isn't it part of the charm that you don't "get" everything straight away when you're new?

It's like that with almost every community of whatever kind I think.

It means there's more for you to discover and you'll be happier when you finally "get it"

You figured out Hap pose on your own.

Just my humble opinion btw.

Anyway, also used sometimes is the sarcasm meter. It can come in handy sometimes...

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(#)<------- is the sarcasm meter when added at the end of a post.

heres some examples.

cheep has the dopest girl ever(0)

chris loves nothing more than fucking 6 girls at one time(10)

see, depending on the number(1-10) you know how sarcastic someone is

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  cheep said:
we are a forgetful bunch... that was actual one of the first threads i ever read here.

A problem with message boards is that comments are often mis-interpreted because of a lack to convey facial expression, tone and delivery. A solution is the Sarcasm Meter. When you are saying something sarcastic, follow it by a numeral rating from 10 to 0 expressing your sarcasm, with 10 being sarcastic and 0 being serious.

What do you think? Try it out.

  Music for the Masses said:

great idea. (10)

this was from said thread i believe....

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  onemancult said:
the Hectic Scale

describes how awesome something is on a numerical scale from 0

to positive infinity. Hectic 9.5, hectic 34.555, and hectic 4,563,342.32439657000234

are all acceptable.

the Hectic scale was born when some dunce said "tailored shoes are hectic",

when he meant something along the lines of "fashion shows are hectic".

would it be from 0 - RealMadHectic?

hectic 0, hectic 34, hectic 99999, mad hectic, real mad hectic

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  onemancult said:
the Hectic Scale

describes how awesome something is on a numerical scale from 0

to positive infinity. Hectic 9.5, hectic 34.555, and hectic 4,563,342.32439657000234

are all acceptable.

the Hectic scale was born when some dunce said "tailored shoes are hectic",

when he meant something along the lines of "fashion shows are hectic".

Technically it's The Hectic Scaleâ„¢, and since it's trademarked, everyone owes me 5 cents every time you use it.

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Guest jmatsu

this is what i remember-

fucktard- i guess it means fucking retard

the tits (that pair of denim, or that outfit, etc is)- good

the business or biz (that pair od denim, or that outfit, etc is)- good

superstar (when used on sufu)- dannish cocksucker

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  macuser3of5 said:
Superhint of the day:

No matter what you wear, who you are, where you post... If the messageboard consists of a 99.9% male population busy complimenting each other on their nut-hugging, sperm-crushing raw denim jeans, dope kicks, or hot 'fits', it is G.A.Y.. Gayer than the dude wearing a pink D&G shirt and True Religion jeans in hopes of scoring babes at the mall. Gayer than an actual gay dude. So gay it isn't actually gay anymore, nor even a derogatory term, but instead a new gender entirely: Supergay; the supergender of otherwise straight men obsessed with impressing other dudes, through the vehicle of clothing, on the internet.

So let's all just chill out and just keep looking at each other posing for the camera. Spread the love. Embrace the beauty of supergay in all of its forms.


Edited by macuser3of5 on May 15, 2006 at 12:51 PM

thank you macuser3of5... you created a monster.

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  • 3 months later...

"to pull a windsong" - to refute all criticism by suggesting the criticizer is inspired by mad jealousy of criticizee's display of expensive designer labels or fashion scholarship

"to pull a timber" - to magically gain a huge peener after a low number of posts by mass gang +rape

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