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For Onemancult


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here's my take on fucking underage girls.

you have to ignore illegality, and invest some time in getting the girl to trust you.

just a little bit of effort is all it takes. otherwise, even if it is legal to ball, she can

call whatever foul she wants on your ass, and society trusts little girls with soft

titties over well-dressed young men any day. you will end up imprisoned.

have some sort of common interest. buy her a little present. tell her you think she's very mature for her age, and that's so cool. basically, woo her the way you would any

other woman. they love that shit- it distracts them from the fact that you're just trying to enjoy their soft titties for a night or two.

it is really difficult to do, but avoid becoming infatuated. the thing about these girls is that they're basically perfect in small doses, and that can be misleading. they're fresh, clean, and their skin is actually harvested by the textile industry in order to make silks.

you ever wonder why 21+ year old girls all of a sudden have hairs and blemishes on their arms and thighs? it is because Chanel stole their first layer of skin for making silk dresses for old society ladies.

high school girls are just like any other girl, except in tighter, tastier packaging.

the inside is all the same. if you can't score with normal girls, you probably have

even less of a chance of scoring off of high school girls, because these days, they

know that they have the holy grails in their sweaters, and while they'll give it up readily if you know how to finesse 'em, otherwise they'll just snap cameraphone pictures of you and trade them like pokemon with each other.

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here's my take on fucking underage girls.

you have to ignore illegality, and invest some time in getting the girl to trust you.

just a little bit of effort is all it takes. otherwise, even if it is legal to ball, she can

call whatever foul she wants on your ass, and society trusts little girls with soft

titties over well-dressed young men any day. you will end up imprisoned.

have some sort of common interest. buy her a little present. tell her you think she's very mature for her age, and that's so cool. basically, woo her the way you would any

other woman. they love that shit- it distracts them from the fact that you're just trying to enjoy their soft titties for a night or two.

it is really difficult to do, but avoid becoming infatuated. the thing about these girls is that they're basically perfect in small doses, and that can be misleading. they're fresh, clean, and their skin is actually harvested by the textile industry in order to make silks.

you ever wonder why 21+ year old girls all of a sudden have hairs and blemishes on their arms and thighs? it is because Chanel stole their first layer of skin for making silk dresses for old society ladies.

high school girls are just like any other girl, except in tighter, tastier packaging.

the inside is all the same. if you can't score with normal girls, you probably have

even less of a chance of scoring off of high school girls, because these days, they

know that they have the holy grails in their sweaters, and while they'll give it up readily if you know how to finesse 'em, otherwise they'll just snap cameraphone pictures of you and trade them like pokemon with each other.

Superfuture owes you much sir.

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here's my take on fucking underage girls.

Onemancult, you, sir, are on your absolute fucking A game. Why do I know that? It's fucking finals week and now you're busting out the gems.

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syd.... i expect an OMC interview by the end of next week.

At this point I sense that this nigga is really one of the mole people living in the subway underground. Guy is a fucking ninja.


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they're fresh, clean, and their skin is actually harvested by the textile industry in order to make silks.

you ever wonder why 21+ year old girls all of a sudden have hairs and blemishes on their arms and thighs? it is because Chanel stole their first layer of skin for making silk dresses for old society ladies.

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I expect to see you on "To Catch A Predator" distinguished from the other ignorant perverts by whatever APCs or limited edition Nikes.

I'm insulted about the Nikes, but I understand where you're coming from.

My first and only WAYWT will be a screen cap from the show..

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the thing about these girls is that they're basically perfect in small doses, and that can be misleading.

So true. I started up with a 17-y/o when I was 21 and was thinking it was fun and easy, then later when she started going through the same shit I was going through at that age, it made me sick to my stomach. Step backwards for the lose.

Corrupt them, then leave them.

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I'm sure Clopek will give him some basketball jerseys to wear.

Holy SHIT dude! Wow! You're brilliance continues to astound me! Wow, I mean you just keep your material so fresh and new! Like the Dane Cook of Superfuture! Keep up the good work! Woweee!

Additionally, while U.S. laws may be dumb (19 y/o goes to jail for poking 17 y/o) Canada's laws are a biiiit on the lenient side (legal age: four-fucking-teen)

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Holy SHIT dude! Wow! You're brilliance continues to astound me! Wow, I mean you just keep your material so fresh and new! Like the Dane Cook of Superfuture! Keep up the good work! Woweee!

Additionally, while U.S. laws may be dumb (19 y/o goes to jail for poking 17 y/o) Canada's laws are a biiiit on the lenient side (legal age: four-fucking-teen)

If I were to be compared to Dane Cook, I'd find it to be hugely insulting.

No wonder you're such an intellectually stagnant bit of trash, deficent not only in style but also grammar--you're a Dane Cook fan.

Why don't you go sniff some 14 year old cake instead of making inane comments? I'm sure the parents would appreciate it more than I would your postings.

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If I were to be compared to Dane Cook, I'd find it to be hugely insulting.

No wonder you're such an intellectually stagnant bit of trash, deficent not only in style but also grammar--you're a Dane Cook fan.

Why don't you go sniff some 14 year old cake instead of making inane comments? I'm sure the parents would appreciate it more than I would your postings.

Oh wow...at first I thought you were just a dickhead...but it has recently been confirmed that you are actually the dumbest human being alive. CALLING YOU DANE COOK WAS AN INSULT YOU FUCKING RETARD. Just because you say shit like "intellectually stagnant" doesn't mean you're not. Oh, and do you know what lenient means? I'll dumb it down for you...saying that Canada's laws are too lenient means they're not strict enough...therefore, fucking 14 year olds is punishably wrong. Therefore, you're fucking dumb. Wow. Can someone kill this guy already?

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Oh wow...at first I thought you were just a dickhead...but it has recently been confirmed that you are actually the dumbest human being alive. CALLING YOU DANE COOK WAS AN INSULT YOU FUCKING RETARD. Just because you say shit like "intellectually stagnant" doesn't mean you're not. Oh, and do you know what lenient means? I'll dumb it down for you...saying that Canada's laws are too lenient means they're not strict enough...therefore, fucking 14 year olds is punishably wrong. Therefore, you're fucking dumb. Wow. Can someone kill this guy already?

Have you met everyone in the world? If not, then perhaps your so-called "insult" was purely hyperbolic. I love your usage of "therefore;" clearly someone who has studied Cicero. Such cogency is a rare trait these days, especially for a retarded, petulant bitch.

You ignorant slut, I think you should kill yourself while someone still cares.

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. . . . my "insult" referring to you as Superfuture's dane cook was... you know what, nevermind. I feel like I actually need to make myself dumber in order to argue on this guys level.

This pathetic excuse of a "post" simply means that you can't come up with anything clever--or even mediocre at best.

You should pick up this book since your writing has all the distinction of a failed abortion.


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