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NPR Heads Shout Out


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This American Life is the best, I would say, maybe the babysitter or you and the little mermaid can go fuck yoursefl! I listen to the free streaming all the time and I still have not heard all the episodes. Oh yeah the super is also fcuking killer, and the one about the guy in queens that got put away for like 20 years cause some kid lied about witnessing a murder.

Great thread idea

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  Westbrook said:
The babysitter one is great, but my all time fav is the one when they go on the aircraft carrier (the USS Stennis, methinks).

I just started torrenting the TV show cause I dont have showtime. Its pretty terrific.

I guess I'm a TLA fanboy...

Yeah, Ive yet to see it but Id be curious to hear other opinions too. What are using to DL? And are all the episodes there?


Just in case anyone is interested:


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  Westbrook said:

Which is better, Wait Wait or What'd'Ya Know?

Wait Wait > Whad'Ya Know by powers of ten. I hate fucking Michael Feldman.

How 'bout this quandary?

Would you rather:

  • Listen to A Prairie Home Companion
  • Or, fuck your sister while getting poked in the eye with a red-hot ember?

The only suitable answer, I think, is drowning yourself before you have to make that awful, awful choice.

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i love NPR.

and i love most of the weekend shows (TAL, wait wait, car talk, weekend edition, etc.), but feldman and keillor drive me fucking crazy. most of feldman's "jokes" are followed by at least one beat of dead silence before the audience laughs out of awkwardness and/or unwarranted respect for the host. keillor is a mouthbreather par excellence, 'nuff said.

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  poly800rock said:
easily my fav episode of this american life is "neighbors" with davy rothbart creator of found magazine. he interviews mr. rogers. really chokes me up everytime i hear it. the other stories are fucking great as well. amazing episode. going to try and download it now.

Yeah...that ones pretty good.

Used to listen to Brian Lehrer (WNYC) every morning over my coffee, but that was back when I dodn't start work till noon or 5pm....ahhhh, the good 'ol days.

Cartalk is classic too.

Good thread.

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I really enjoy Cartalk, but apparently they are the yankess of the public radio world. I have some friends in the industry who say everyone hates those guys because they have a disproportionately huge budget compared to everyone else.

I really feel like TLA captures what is missing from the media these days. There are so many interesting stories out there.

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  poly800rock said:
easily my fav episode of this american life is "neighbors" with davy rothbart creator of found magazine. he interviews mr. rogers. really chokes me up everytime i hear it. the other stories are fucking great as well. amazing episode. going to try and download it now.

Haha, I just listened to that last night; Im working my way throught the whole thing, from 95. I dont think I'd rate quite as high as you did, but it was a good one.

For those that also mentioned cartalk, theres actually an episode where the guys from cartalk are on TAL when someone tried to sue them. Ahhh, I highly highly recommned the "Fiasco" episode, genius. I think it may be from 99/2000...

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love TAL, but never listen to it since im usually busy when it comes on. car talk and wait wait too. terry gross has some great interviews... talk of the nation is good most of the time. all things considered is the only news program worth a shit.

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  snugglepony said:
Wait Wait > Whad'Ya Know by powers of ten. I hate fucking Michael Feldman.

How 'bout this quandary?

Would you rather:

  • Listen to A Prairie Home Companion
  • Or, fuck your sister while getting poked in the eye with a red-hot ember?

The only suitable answer, I think, is drowning yourself before you have to make that awful, awful choice.

I concur on all accounts.

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Holy shit...check out the first ten minutes of the TV adaptation of TAL. Creepy but touching.


For almost 50 years, Larry and his wife Ve-ve were inseparable. They worked together 13 hours a day, 6 days a week in a liquor store. If Ve-ve had an appointment somewhere in town, Larry would drive her. They even had a slogan: "Side by side, baby." When Ve-ve died, Larry wasn't ready to stop being together, so he came up with a plan to continue spending time with her. Sort of.

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  b i z z y said:
I always find myself telling people about the episode Mind Games... the segment about Improv Everywhere and their missions... pants on the bus, Starbucks loop, Ghosts of Pasha....

that was definitely a good one -- some friends were supposedly doing no pants 2k7, but i haven't seen their photos yet... :rolleyes:

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  b i z z y said:
I always find myself telling people about the episode Mind Games... the segment about Improv Everywhere and their missions... pants on the bus, Starbucks loop, Ghosts of Pasha....

they actually adapted that story for the TV show. they have a ton of footage of the Ghosts of Pasha show and interviews with the band. It was either on the first or second episode.

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  • 4 months later...
  snugglepony said:
Wait Wait > Whad'Ya Know by powers of ten. I hate fucking Michael Feldman.

How 'bout this quandary?

Would you rather:

  • Listen to A Prairie Home Companion
  • Or, fuck your sister while getting poked in the eye with a red-hot ember?

The only suitable answer, I think, is drowning yourself before you have to make that awful, awful choice.

am i the only one here who would gladly suck garrison kielors wrinkly balls?

because a prairie home companion is one of the finest radio shows in existence, i love driving around blazed, listening to his beautiful voice sing folk gospel hymns. nothing better

wait wait is great for running, i always seem to stay energized when i manage a laugh every now and then.

my brother works at the local extension of npr in houston. KUFH 88.7 i do believe it is.

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91.7FM Ann Arbor is one of two stations programmed to my car stereo's presets. This American Life is fantastic; Ira Glass came to my school a few months ago but I had a show to attend. Despite the fact that I hate cars and only finally got one a couple months ago, I've loved Car Talk for years. Fresh Air, The Next Big Thing and Studio 360 are also great. The only show I don't really enjoy is the Diane Rheams (spelling?) show. Her voice grates on me, which sounds terrible because it's the result of some horrible disease, but I can't stand it enough to listen.

(By the way, the other station, of cours, plays Tigers and Red Wings games.)

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  poly800rock said:
any other episodes i should download? dont mind paying, cuz it's NPR. Been loving the sedaris ones, he's such a great storyteller. any other sedaris ones that are good? I've heard the detective one and the art one.

are you asking about the TV series or the radio shows?

If you mean radio, just go to their website and their "favorite shows" tab. ALl the ones in there are pretty much classics, all free too.


My personal favorite is "Somewhere over the Arabian Sea." That's TLA-heat.

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Kind of off topic but I'm really frustrated right now!

I've been listening to a guy named Joe Frank for the last 15 yrs or so on KPFA (Berkeley, CA). The show used to originate out of KRCW in Santa Monica. The shows are basically him telling stories backed by various beats/samples. I've since stopped listening to the show on the radio (no time) and just buy his shows off his site, joefrank.com.

Anyway, he's appearing live (which is rare) in LA at some dinner club and I've been trying to get a reservation for the show. The show i want to attend is in a month and I've been faxing and faxing (their prefered method of contact) my info to make a reservation and they aren't getting back to me. No live person, no email to contact them, just a fax. I've basically given up. It's like a velvet rope by fax. I still have to buy plane tickets so i have to know ASAP. So frustrating!!!!!!

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  chromesquared said:
Ahhh, I highly highly recommned the "Fiasco" episode, genius. I think it may be from 99/2000...

Quoted for complete truth. The stories in this episode about the community production of Peter Pan, and Margy Rochlin's interview with Moon-Unit Zappa are just amazing.

The 20 Acts in 60 Minutes episode is also great. Particularly Tate Donovan's story.

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