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definitely snowed.

so im going to a betsey johnson fashion show tonight

does toronto fashion week really suck as much as i have been led to believe?

please bring me back some party dresses, thank you.

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Hali, which coat are you going to get? I'd rather not end up buying the same thing as someone else in the city.

Viridi Anne large snap peacoat.

And guy, there are like, maybe twenty of those things in all of north america, I would not get worried about having the same thing.

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Just a heads up, the All-Access VIP passes are just a black laynard with the fashion week info card and a gold sticker from a dollar store.

So what I'm saying is black laynard plus gold sticker equals free booze all week.

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Oh yeah, you bought that didn't you.

It depends on the item. I'd TRY it for anything, but the OC coat you bought is unlikely to go down, we've been selling that like crazy, I was referring to the more traditional peacoat, which has been slow to move (read: 1 sold).

But yeah, for anything over 500$ you should always at least ASK if you can get 10-20% off. If you can't you can't.

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clopek, nice one. i was calling sassafraz sassafuture for a bit.

i got a couple invites to fashion shows but they were all bitchass so im not going. i would have loved to go with sean to the betsey johnson one though, just to observe the cwg quotient.

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I'd like to see Crystal Castles on account of me never having seen them before. However Outbreak,Comeback Kid, Misery SIgnals, Bane, Gravemaker show is the same night :(

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clopek, nice one. i was calling sassafraz sassafuture for a bit.

i got a couple invites to fashion shows but they were all bitchass so im not going. i would have loved to go with sean to the betsey johnson one though, just to observe the cwg quotient.

if there are any fashunz shows party invites available for saturday someone holla, i wanna party with youuuu (jack black to neil diamond)

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