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Overrated movies that bother you due to their popularity


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just a gory movie? i agree with pretty much everyone else's list except this one...Old Boy is genuinely very well put together. storyline itself is very very original, not to mention the cinematography and basically the way Park ChanWoo went about making that film, the movie is genius.

haha yeah right. it's because it's korean. :o

also overrated: full metal jacket, amores perros, the departed, every wes anderson film, every tarantino film (except jackie brown), etc. blah blah blah.

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THE FUCKING MATRIX, it's just science-fictions for idiots who have never read a book. it's killing me every time i hear someone saying that shit was really deep and made them think etc. the story is alright at best on so much of the idea of the movie have been taken from much much better sci-fi novels...

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I hate .. The Lord of the Rings movies. Fucking ridiculously boring, I don't understand how anyone could sit through them. The first two movies out of the newer Star Wars flicks suck too, third one is okay.

I'll agree with Boondock Saints, Crash, and Donnie Darko being overrated. They've seemed to amass a cult following with the average college moron.

I'd also like to add .. Butterfly Effect, Troy, and Alexander. Troy is just terrible, I hated this movie. And one of my selfish friends bought it for me for my birthday on DVD, just so he could watch it.

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TIP Tarantinos Reservoir Dogs was a ground breaking film in the way it was constructed and also the way he used dialog. It was also a very low budget film. It had a huge impact on the way other directors started making films. Any time an artist can have that kind of impact on an art form its important.

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I'd also like to add .. Butterfly Effect, Troy, and Alexander. Troy is just terrible, I hated this movie. And one of my selfish friends bought it for me for my birthday on DVD, just so he could watch it.

been a BIG Homer fan since i had to take 3 years of latin in high school and i've been looking forward ever since to the day the would make an Iliad movie and i can't say enough how i think Troy is the biggest piece of crap ever produced. i can't even begin to describe how you can take such an amazing story and produce this...

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Exactly .. I took Latin in high school for a year too.

I can't say I've ever been a fan of epic pictures, and I'm not huge into the Illiad's story, but I was familiar with it, found it interesting, and figured the movie should be decent.

Well, of course .. they managed to fuck it up, hardcore. Bad casting (Brad Pitt .. ?), bad cinematography, bad soundtrack.

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gotta be Napoleon Dynamite. It makes me cringe and shiver when I see people talking about it.

yeah this one too..its like one of those movies that you think MIGHT might work as a skit on some comedy show, but to drag it out for as long they do...just stop already.

same goes for that useless wrestling movie with jack black from the same director

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oh and I'm probably gonna catch flack for this one but

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

just didnt work for me i dunno..too sentimental, borderline cheesy, kinda gimmicky, which might be the point?

Im a big gondry fan but enh..

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Kill Bills, fucking annoying movies. I dont like tarantino at all, everything he does gets instant hype status. pulp fiction is ok but still overrated. I'm gonna have to confess I havent seen reservoir dogs, but I have a feeling I'll think its ok, but not amazing.

I agree on Lord Of The Rings, I watched the first one, saw half of the second one before switching channels.

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A Clockwork Orange. (droog culture is so fucking gay, fuck you... bro.)


i agree that the droog thing has been flogged to death by now ( my chemical romance as droogs?) but that movie broke ground in its time and alex is still one of the greatest protagonists ever.

also overrated: full metal jacket, amores perros, the departed, every wes anderson film, every tarantino film (except jackie brown), etc. blah blah blah.

you're nuts. kubrick was the first to film warfare that way and everyone from spielberg to eastwood has aped him in that respect. and how can you not like wes anderson?

i'm going to throw in a cracker and say that i don't get why pulp fiction (and tarantino) is so celebrated. sure he's kooky and he's got one hell of a sense of humour, but what's there to the show beyond that?

if anyone here had actually seen pulp fiction (or res. dogs) in the theater back in '94 it felt like a breath of fresh air at a time when movies had gotten so stale. and if you've seen any good indie film in the cinema in the last 15 years chances are you can thank tarantino. he showed the stagnant hollywood machine that quirky and original "art house" can turn a profit. that movie ushered in a golden era of artist/creator controlled films and brought indie into the multiplexes. besides his influence on soundtracks, dialog, and editing was huge.

alot of the movies memtioned in this thread (some do suck) have to be appreciated in the context of when they were made and how they influenced what came after.

TIP Tarantinos Reservoir Dogs was a ground breaking film in the way it was constructed and also the way he used dialog. It was also a very low budget film. It had a huge impact on the way other directors started making films. Any time an artist can have that kind of impact on an art form its important.

exactly. i guess we were old enough to see it in the proper context.

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WTF????? two very good movies!!!!

do you not like action movies?

and whoever mentioned BABEL. this is the worst hyped movie, 3 hours of crap.

the majority of movies mentioned in this thread arent bad movies

they just annoy us because everyone is so damn obsessed with them

i thought fight club was a decent movie that was really interesting

and i liked the ideas behind boondock saints and i did really fucking dig some of badass action sequences if both films

it just annoys the shit out of peole when theyre all like

"fuck i hate when people cant understand film, you know there are thsoe masterpiecs

like fight club that i suck dick for"

i think i also dont like chuck pahluhiiichikawhogivesafuck

something about his books makes me cringe.

but then again i have never taken the time to read one

just a bunch of my friends suck his literary dick all the time.

same with fucking hegel.

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i think i also dont like chuck pahluhiiichikawhogivesafuck

something about his books makes me cringe.

but then again i have never taken the time to read one

Isn't this kind of contradictory? Or are you evaluating him on what personality he may have (which would then make sense)?

I don't know if anyone mentioned Woody Allen's Manhattan, but I didn't think it was up to par w/ some of his classics. I also thought that Equilibrium was pretty lame

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i think i also dont like chuck pahluhiiichikawhogivesafuck

something about his books makes me cringe.

but then again i have never taken the time to read one

just a bunch of my friends suck his literary dick all the time.

same with fucking hegel.

I'm with Corbin Law here. I'm sorry, but Chuck Palahniuk is a tacky, literary joke. I've probably read three of his books, starting with Fight Club, which admittedly was not terrible. They only got progressively worse the more I read. His novels are pointless, pointlessly violent, repetetive and stylistically insipid. If I have to see him do that one "repetition" thing he does for "emphasis" or whatever I'll kill myself (if you've read his books you'll know what I'm talking about).

Put me up for Tarantino as well. He's had his moments (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown), but other than that most of his other stuff is just... I don't know, maybe Tacky is the word for it. I can understand that his work was important then, and I won't go into that, but the Kill Bill films were simply not good. They tried far too hard, and the acting was overall pretty weak, in my opinion. Maybe they were going for camp, I don't know.

I think between that and Grindhouse he's starting to show his true colors (and don't get me wrong, I love Grindhouse. I went to a festival all about Grindhouse films once, but in my opinion "Grindhouse: The Movie" defeats the very nature of what made those films so great. It's being made to appeal to 14 year old boys who thought Kill Bill was edgy and awesome because it was so violent and totally had Anime in that one part).

Rant over.

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fucking boondock saints


the trifecta of overrated films are Boondock Saints, Donnie Darko, and Napoleon Dynamite.

when william defoe is on his knees pantomiming shooting two guns, in slow motion, while the generic guitar riff is playing, i almost fell out of my seat laughing.

napoleon dynamite is just retarded.

donnie darko is for people who wanna pretend that they're deep. . . and whenever you try to explain to them that the movie actually sucks, they always respond with "you just don't get it"

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Star Wars Ep. I, II, III - Video games masquerading around as film. The original films have stood the test of time, but these have already been forgotten.

LOTR Trilogy - FOTR was magical but the trilogy as a whole got progressively worse. TT was boring and ROTK sucked hard.

Kill Bill - Flashes of greatness here and there but ultimately didn't work.

Little Miss Sunshine - A good movie ruined by a corny ending.

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