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Currently At Century 21, NYC


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i'm pretty sure all the margiela is irregular, there should be a tag that shows you what/wear the defect is.

the decent stuff at century gets picked over really quickly - esp in smaller sizes (s, < 32 waist). it's always full of european tourists who think the usd is monopoly money. btw the changing room is allegedly only for trying on suits. i've never had the cojones to try on pants there but there is a pretty liberal return policy. does anyone else do the neck thing to measure pants? it's really handy.

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I did many times. Many sale events in ny don't have dressing rooms and it's pretty normal to see people try things on between the aisles.

a lot of cute girls where doing that @ the Barney Warehouse sale last summer.... apparently they forgot men where there too... LOTS of boobies ;)

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this doesn't really work, does it? my neck is pretty small compared to my waist.

in theory it should work

take a pair of jeans, measure the waist across while they're flat. it'll be about half of the actual size and also the same measurement as your neck.

most pants I wear have 30" waists. that'd be 15" ... and my neck is 15" around.

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in theory it should work

take a pair of jeans, measure the waist across while they're flat. it'll be about half of the actual size and also the same measurement as your neck.

most pants I wear have 30" waists. that'd be 15" ... and my neck is 15" around.

so what you're saying is that you lay the pants down flat and then wrap them around your neck at the largest spot to see if they're right? this doesn't seem like it would work, unless you wear pants with a waist exactly proportional to your neck and you know where the pants will sit on your waist.

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it works.

the same way that your arm span is a near-accurate approximation of your


the waist is (usually) directly proportional to the circumference of your neck.

pick up a pair of pants from each side, at the waistband, and wrap the two

sides around your neck. the pants' fly should be laying flat against your chest.

if they touch, the pants will be more than likely to fit you, unless you have a

weird body with totally fucked proportions.

I.E. your waist measurement should always equal about the same as 2 times

your neck measurement.

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i take it as a guideline. once you can figure out the general rise and thigh situation you are golden - what else are you going to do, carry around a tape measure?

btw, they have started to discourage men from going near the women's "try on" area at the barneys warehouse sale. very annoying since it was already difficult enough to brave the slings and elbows when you were looking for someone

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  • 4 months later...

I think I remember a saleslady telling me they re-stocked Mondays, so I'd try and schedule visits around then.

I once saw someone who looked suspiciously like Patricia Field with what looked suspiciously like a personal assistant filling up, and then checking out an actual shopping cart full of clothes. No idea where they got the shopping cart.

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I think I remember a saleslady telling me they re-stocked Mondays, so I'd try and schedule visits around then.

I once saw someone who looked suspiciously like Patricia Field with what looked suspiciously like a personal assistant filling up, and then checking out an actual shopping cart full of clothes. No idea where they got the shopping cart.

such a sketchy lady

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the main one downtown.

i wonder if they get good shit at bay ridge and no one touches it since

bay ridge is full of guidos and their grandmas. and asian families.

we sold my aunts house in bay ridge to an asian family years ago....i heard from a relative the family gots like 17 people living in the house.

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this doesn't really work, does it? my neck is pretty small compared to my waist.
so what you're saying is that you lay the pants down flat and then wrap them around your neck at the largest spot to see if they're right? this doesn't seem like it would work, unless you wear pants with a waist exactly proportional to your neck and you know where the pants will sit on your waist.

here westside, let me put it in a way you'd understand:

U tAiK dA paNTz WHiLe b1ZZotCHeD N rAp DEM r0UnD y0 neKp1eCe 0n sUm dUbbLe pLie sH1t!!!111111

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