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You can never count the Yankees out in the postseason, but I like the I like the Indians or the Red Sox to win it all.

I'd say the Red Sox straight out, but I don't want to sound like a fanboy, and they do have some weaknesses.

Carmona and Sabathia have been money for the Tribe this season, and Byrd and the pen have been good too.

Angels definitely have what it takes as well.

One thing's for sure, no NL team will win the WS. The AL is just too strong.

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I've got my money on..

Met's take the NLCS, Angels take the World Series.

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hmm.. boston needs a legit lead off hitter or they are screwed.. and they should trade drew in the offseason (if anyone is willing to swallow his contract)

I think Ellsbury is the prototypical leadoff hitter. High OBP, contact hitter, great speed.

No one will take on Drew's contact, and it's unlikely the Red Sox would eat some of the money. While Drew has struggled mightily this year, he has nowhere to go but up next season.

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PAPI!!! Wow, great walk off by Ortiz, love it when he does that, 4th Red Sox player with 5 consecutive 100RBI and 30HR seasons.

Ellsbury has so far been great so far, don't know how hes going to fit in next year, I have come around and really like Coco, but I think Jacoby spends the 1st half of the season in Pawtucket and they trade Coco at the deadline.

ECrider, I think the same thing about Drew, next year we will see the real JD, and Lugo, I expect both of these guys to have much better seasons in 08.

WS: Red Sox vs. Mets

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Id love to see Moose pitch this weekend, but...

Roger Clemens, who supposedly delivered his farewell to Fenway Park four years ago but has proven constitutionally incapable of saying goodbye and meaning it, threw a 40-pitch bullpen session in Toronto last night and said there is "no doubt" he will pitch in Boston Sunday night.

If he does, that would set up his first start against Sox righthander Curt Schilling since their epic duel in the desert Nov. 4, 2001, when Clemens and Schilling went head to head in Game 7 of the World Series. Schilling left trailing, 2-1, after a home run by Alfonso Soriano in the eighth, but the Diamondbacks rallied to win against Mariano Rivera in the ninth, 3-2.

Schilling has often credited Clemens for turning around his career after Clemens admonished him early in his career during an offseason workout in Houston that he was wasting his talent.

Yankees manager Joe Torre said Clemens "seemed fine" but that he planned to wait until today to see how Clemens recovers from the mound session before committing to the 45-year-old righthander. "It looks like he'll be all right," Torre said.

Rookie Phil Hughes would draw the start if Clemens can't go.

Clemens said the session was crisper than the one he had Tuesday, when he threw at about 80 percent.

"It's not a game situation type of scenario, but it was a more violent pen than I would normally throw," Clemens said. "I'm pleased with it. My foot is holding up fine [he had blisters].

"For me, that's where it starts and ends as far as getting over my arm issues."

-Boston Globe

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so the yankees won last night? i just woke up, waiting for the score to come across...

there actually replaying the game on another espn, at this point it is 1-1.

edit: yankees 4-3

i havent been to a game in over a month....thats cuz we gots the worst team in the NL..

and works been killer...im def, not a fare-weather fan.

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Chicken, I tip my cap to Derek Jeter.

If it weren't for the Patriots, last night would have killed me. I'm glad that I missed Friday night's game because the combination of the two might have really hurt my head. The Sox have to really step it up a level in the next month, and by Sox I mean hitters, though JD Drew is actually showing signs of life at the plate, only took a season.

DiceK is getting bumped from his Wednesday start to Saturday, setting up the post season and giving him a few extra days.

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but i must admit now i am officially afraid of mike lowell.

Not to toot my own horn, but I've been singing Lowell's praises since last season even with the second half fall-off.

I was stoked when he got around on that chest-high 98 mph fastball from Chamberlain last night.

Even thought the Sox lost 2 of 3, you have to feel good about their chances in the playoffs. Starting pitching was great and the offense looked strong. Once we get Manny back, we should be in golden.

My only concern right now is with Okajima. I feel like Francona relied on him a bit too much in the early part of the season to take the load off of Papelbon. Now Oki's burnt out.

I think they would do well to shut him down for a while to get him ready for the playoffs. With Gagne back, and the September call-ups in the pen, they can afford to do that.

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^^That was cool to see, and yes Ellsbury will be a thorn in the side of the Yankees much like Joba will be for the Sox, nice to see two great Native American players coming up through the systems to make an impact. Ive been trying to see if they had gone agianst eachother in the minors, but cant find anything.

Mike Lowell is having a helluva year, certianly has stepped up for us in the lineup, I still think he goes to the Yankees next year after Arod goes to the Angels :rolleyes:

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I agree, Oki needs a rest, Gagne looked good last night and Im sure he wouldn't mind getting a bit more mound time after all the time off he has had.

Delcarmen and Tavarez are looking good, Timlin and Lopez are doing fine, I think we can afford to give Oki a breather.

Wednesdays starter is TBA, Im hoping Bucholz gets the ball, I don't think he's pitched in a week or so.

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I'm going to the Yankees game tonight, don't see them colapsing, though they have had a bit of trouble with Tampa and Baltimore... I'd love to see a tight Wildcard race.

How bout those Phillies?

I like the Phillies, but damn they are the biggest tease every year in baseball. I hope they pull through.

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