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Having Selvage Denim Altered


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So, about a month ago I picked up some black Imperial Kings. I was really impressed with the quality of the pair. One of my biggest concerns was the fit on the thigh, which I think is acceptable.

However, I don't like the size of the leg opening. They are slightly bootcut and at size 34, I think even a straight leg would be difficult to stop at the shoe and give decent stacking. Right now they tend to just hang off my heel and I get worried about fraying up the edge. Anyway, I was thinking of having them altered. How would going from a leg opening of 10" to about 8" affect the look of the jean? Would I lose the selvege or could it change the way the jean drapes on the lower leg? Thanks if you could contribute some knowlege.

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Hey man,

I did the same thing with my dukes a while ago. You can taper from the inseam or outseam.


I didn't take their advice in the end, tapered 1cm from the outseam. It worked really well, but anything more than 1cm from the outseam and the selvedge line will start to look pretty wack. I would suggest if you wanna go from 10 to 8 inches, you might wanna do it from both the inseam AND the outseam. The only prob with going from the inseam is that you will lose the felled stitching.

Look for dukes in the XXX thread, photos of mine are in there so you can see how they turned out. Good luck!

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ok simple solution here. I suggest you take em to a tailor/ alteration centre and put em on.

they will pin down the 2 cm (from inseam, outseam, both, anywhere you want) and that would give you a pretty good gauge of how your jeans will look like AFTER alteration of 2cm in hem. and if you're comfortable with how it looks when pinned, get the alteration done.

i agree with taking 1cm from both the inseam and the outseam though. either that or 2cm from the inseam. i have a friend who basically took in a few cm for the hem on his evisus from the outseam, and now he has jumbo selvage lines. thick, like real thick.

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