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Well, I think I got a better picture of that. I found it on March of 2006, forgotten where I found it who the artist is though.

Here is the picture,


These are others which I found on that day,




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For anyone that has allegorical ink, how did you get your ideas turned into reality? Did you find an artist with the right background? Did you have to do most of the heavy lifting yourself? Did your artist do research outside of your consultation?

I'm ready to start doing some large work and haven't found anyone yet that I'm totally convinced is "right." Not sure if I should be looking more by style or by background.



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i'm still considering this


anybody with more savvy about this wanna comment on how feasible this would be? would it translate badly to black + shading only?

You and I always have similar ideas. This style from that period looks almost the same outside of the glass form, are you going for a stained glass look?


Saint George (much later work)

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You and I always have similar ideas. This style from that period looks almost the same outside of the glass form, are you going for a stained glass look?

Saint George (much later work)

what i want is really really complicated and probably out of my budget for now, so im just dreaming it up. but i'd want it as close to 1:1 as possible, with just black ink and shading. some parts would definitely be impossible unless its huge, which is why my budget is the biggest constraint right now. just an idea for now.

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Here's a maybe (probably) stupid question that's been talked about before. How do you guys deal with people asking you about your tattoos? I feel like if I got something with personal meaning it would just be awful trying to explain it to people, trying to convey your feelings about something that they most definitely don't care about or won't understand.

This is one of the things that's been holding me back from getting something.

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this shouldn't hold you back. i mean, it sure can be annoying, especially in the beggining when all your friends will ask about it.

you also don't need to tell the exact or right meaning of your tattoo. i've never told the actual one of mine and always just say "oh i thought it'd look great".

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Here's a maybe (probably) stupid question that's been talked about before. How do you guys deal with people asking you about your tattoos? I feel like if I got something with personal meaning it would just be awful trying to explain it to people, trying to convey your feelings about something that they most definitely don't care about or won't understand.

This is one of the things that's been holding me back from getting something.

My biggest fear with that was sounding like a pretentious idiot when describing out loud why i got the tattoos. I pretty much just say "because I've always liked _______"

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I've been wanting a tattoo on the inside of my bicep for awhile. I just don't know what to get! torn between finding a really cool image, or maybe just a meaningful saying in handwriting. Idk.

how do you think the cover of Catcher in the Rye would turn out? Just the carousel horse in black ink. I'm a really big Salinger fan and that book is what pretty much what got me super into literature and writing.


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why not take the exact horse and pose and all and just interpret it into another look? id still feel honest saying it was taken from the cover and itd just look/feel over all more personable to me. not in the oh my koi fish symbolizes my dumb struggle through life sort of way but more just a part of you, more original/personalized while staying true to the source of inspiration.

for example ive thought for years now about the eventual chest piece id like to get. i always liked traditional stuff and had seen plenty of ill-looking eagle chest pieces so aside from everyone else having them, i dont really like the idea of getting tattoos purely for aesthetics, so eagles symbolizing patriotism, something i have very little of, wasnt a great match. i had always been into dinosaurs since a kid and so i decided on getting some sort of trad themed pterodactyl chestpiece instead. same look, different idea. then i did some more research and decided pterodons were way sweeter looking and have since sortve gone away from wanting trad stuff but i still want that fucking pterodon chest piece in some way shape or form

i dont really care for people taking exact/nearly exact illustrations from objects like that and putting them on their body, or i guess maybe anywhere else for that matter.. for the most part. always makes someone seem like an eating breathing advertisement to me. regardless if you have any artistic ability or not i think its always better to have some sort of influence on things going on your skin, just as you should/do with the clothes that cover it.

that being said, i feel bad for my best friends brother in law. rocking a nike swoosh on his calf til the grave. STOOPS

sorry i went on so long im thorough when im faded

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A good friend of mine has the carousel horse on his stomach/ribs area. This is the only picture I can find of it.


Not the most original idea maybe, because other people may have it, and the artwork isn't original. On the other hand, it isn't very common, either.

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