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Fragrance Thread


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dont you think? i mean i cant tell whats the difference between guerilla 1 and two or between odeur 53 and 71??:confused: for example

I doubt it...this thread isn't even that active.

All CDG fragrances in production are available at www.luckyscent.com. That should give you a good idea of what's out there.

To answer your specific questions, the difference between the scents above is that they're generally different scents that just happen to have similar names, and in 53/71's case, 53 served as a base for 71, which included additional elements.

Does that help?

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I'm sad to admit that I, in a small way, contribute to the making of this garbage:

(From the NY Times)

September 12, 2007 -- THE TV commercial for Sean Combs' fragrance, Unforgivable, is too hot - even for cable. The spot shows Combs "going at it" with Jessica Gomez in a stairwell and a hotel room. But after MTV screened the ads, execs sent a list of edits Combs will need to make before censors will allow it to air. The offending footage includes Diddy "hiking up" Gomez's skirt, putting his hands under her dress, and a scene with another woman holding Gomez's breast and pulling down her underwear. Combs is refusing so far to edit his commercial. Last year, the print ads for Unforgivable were too hot for city bus stops.

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CHICAGO (Reuters) - When it comes to a man's body odour, the fragrance -- or stench -- is in the nose of the beholder, according to U.S. researchers who suggest a single gene may determine how people perceive body odour.

The study, published online on Sunday in the journal Nature, helps explain why the same sweaty man can smell like vanilla to some, like urine to others and for about a third of adults, have no smell at all.

"This is the first time that any human odorant receptor is associated with how we experience odours," Hiroaki Matsunami of Duke University in North Carolina said in a telephone interview.

Matsunami and colleagues at Duke and Rockefeller University in New York focused on the chemical androstenone, which is created when the body breaks down the male sex hormone testosterone.

Androstenone is in the sweat of men and women, but it is more highly concentrated in men. How one perceives its smell appears to have a lot to do with variations in one odour receptor gene called OR7D4.

"It is well known that people have different perceptions to androstenone. But people didn't know what was the basis of it," Matsunami said.

To find out, researchers in Matsunami's lab tested sweat chemicals on most of the 400 known odour receptors used by the nose to sniff out smells and chemicals.

They found the OR7D4 gene reacted strongly with the sex steroid androstenone. Next, they tested whether variations in this gene had an impact on how people perceived the smell of androstenone in male sweat.

They took blood samples and sequenced the DNA of 400 people who participated in a smell perception test done in Leslie Vosshall's lab at Rockefeller.

What they found is slight genetic variations determine whether androstenone has a pungent smell, a sweet, vanilla-like smell or no smell at all.

The role of androstenone is not well understood in humans, but in pigs it sends a powerful sex signal that puts sows in the mood for love.

"It facilitates the courtship behaviour in females," Matsunami said.

"There is some evidence published showing this chemical can modify the mood or hormone levels in humans," he said. "What we don't know is whether the receptor we found was in any way involved in this process."

He and colleagues will further study this aspect to understand how smelling these chemicals might affect human social and sexual behaviour.

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seems like there's a new dh one outside called "dh intense", by le figaro :

"...saisissez-vous de l'excellente pédagogie offerte par Dior Homme Intense. Sous-titré « Parfum pour le soir », ce jus forme le troisième volet d'une trilogie dans laquelle figure aussi une eau de toilette pour le jour et une cologne plus matinale. Moins aromatique que les deux premières, il se concentre avec brio sur l'iris et la vanille."

whole article here : http://www.lefigaro.fr/masculin/20070918.WWW000000281_les_hommes_prennent_gout_aux_parfums_corses.html

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seems like there's a new dh one outside called "dh intense", by le figaro :

"...saisissez-vous de l'excellente pédagogie offerte par Dior Homme Intense. Sous-titré « Parfum pour le soir », ce jus forme le troisième volet d'une trilogie dans laquelle figure aussi une eau de toilette pour le jour et une cologne plus matinale. Moins aromatique que les deux premières, il se concentre avec brio sur l'iris et la vanille."

whole article here : http://www.lefigaro.fr/masculin/20070918.WWW000000281_les_hommes_prennent_gout_aux_parfums_corses.html

I like the bottle...not that its much different now...just a bit smokier.


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