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Except with a 10-Foot Pole

Horny girl: I'm scared! I don't want to get turned on by a tampon! I don't want to lose my virginity to a tampon... It's just, like, vagina creeps me out so bad, like, I look for excuses not to touch it.

Friend: Yeah, vagina is gross. I avoid touching it.

wow hahahha
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I've read that site into the late hours damn near pissing myself. I often wonder if the quotes are real or not. I've tried to listen in on conversations but I guess I'm never in the right place at the right time.

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Rinse, Repeat

Teen girl #1: Wait, so you just let him do you in the butt? You let him sodomize you?

Teen girl #2: It wasn't bad. I couldn't shit for a few days, though. So I took some laxatives, then I shit myself in the mall yesterday.

When people say things while I'm passing them, I usually talk loudly and say something somewhat related-- my friends find it funny. I used to say dumb shit in public places with my ex just to make a scene/see reactions sometimes too..

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hahaha I remember reading that a while back, laughing my ass off again now

Teen girl #1: Wait, so you just let him do you in the butt? You let him sodomize you?

Teen girl #2: It wasn't bad. I couldn't shit for a few days, though. So I took some laxatives, then I shit myself in the mall yesterday.

Homeless guy dropping cigarettes while following foreigners: A brother drops his smokes and you gets a-steppin'?! I smoke Newports! You can't get this in no garage! Hey! Hey! How about givin' me some money? It's for the children, for the children!

Lady: No!

Homeless guy to lady's boyfriend: Wow, there's evil! So much evil comin' from this one. You're good, though, I can tell.

Boyfriend: Yeah?

Homeless guy: Can you feel that? Can you feel that, brother?

Boyfriend: Yes, I can feel that.

Homeless guy: You know what that is?

Boyfriend: No, what is it?

Homeless guy: It's the feel of the crack of yo' asshole burnin'! [Homeless guy runs away.]

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Walking to my car from Albertsons, I overheard two girls talking. I only heard what one of them said though.

"It's because she has no ovaries."

Just the way she said it made it hilarious.

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