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if you thought minya was bad....


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I do not post on SZ, though I do lurk there from time to time. I do not own items of clothing that cost "an assload", nor am I particularly a fan of Plokhov/LMaltieri/CCP/LUC/etc.

Regarding opinion : Having an opinion does not obligate you to voice it. A person who opens his mouth spewing drivel while hiding behind the protective veneer of "opinion" makes him no less a fool.

No Icky, first we have to talk about how Analog, despite not even disagreeing with chrono in the first place, and despite his seemingly strict views on how and when people should voice their opinions in the first place, felt the need to voice his un-pinion (anti-opinion, whatever), for no apparent reason afterwards.

Go ahead, talk about Faust the band now.

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Faust killed a gay man, in the woods.

You are thinking of Euronymous from the chainsaw gutsfuckers themselves, Mayhem.

His bandmate, Dead, blew his brains out with a shotgun. Euronymous, upon arriving home and finding his body, made a stew from his brains, and a necklace from fragments of his skull. He also took photos, which led to the wonderful cover of this bootleg album, Dawn of the Black Hearts.


Euronymous is also rumored to have sent skull-fragment necklaces to other members of the black metal community he felt were 'worthy'. These people may or may not include members of Marduk, Abruptum, Emperor, and Old Funeral.

Funnily enough, while Abbath and Demonaz from Old Funeral went on to found the skullfuckingly glorious Immortal, Varg Vikernes went on to murder Euronymous, allegedly for wearing a white sweater and shaming the black metal scene.


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i love faust. music just doesn't get better than their first two records, really.

It's all about "Outside the Dream Syndicate," Conrad+ Faust= tour de force.

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Guest Airjamie
how about the original faust...who made a pact with the devil ...as is alleged about robert johnson ...and was definately the case with ralph macchio....

and the real issue if you were the devil would you get steve vai to play guitar for you...

The end of crossroads was bullshit. Vai owned that little bitch.

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how about the original faust...who made a pact with the devil ...as is alleged about robert johnson ...and was definately the case with ralph macchio....

and the real issue if you were the devil would you get steve vai to play guitar for you...

I'm sorry Hap but Yngwie Malmsteen is definitely the Devil's official guitarist. Or whoever plays lead guitar for Dragonforce, if the Devil is that kinda guy.

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Wait, how could I possibly forgot Randy Uchida of G.I.S.M.?


Regardless of the Metal-ish photo (very uncharacteristic, G.I.S.M. was notorious for

"the violence present in their lyrics & live shows. Sakevi even attacked the singer of another band on national television [2]. Onstage, Sakevi would often be dressed on stage wearing a balaclava & bullet belt, waving lit flares in audience members faces, using microphone stands as clubs, & attacking concert goers as Vietnam War footage was projected behind him. In the past he has attacked photographers for taking pictures of him & has chased audiences with a flamethrower."

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Regardless of the Metal-ish photo (very uncharacteristic, G.I.S.M. was notorious for

"the violence present in their lyrics & live shows. Sakevi even attacked the singer of another band on national television [2]. Onstage, Sakevi would often be dressed on stage wearing a balaclava & bullet belt, waving lit flares in audience members faces, using microphone stands as clubs, & attacking concert goers as Vietnam War footage was projected behind him. In the past he has attacked photographers for taking pictures of him & has chased audiences with a flamethrower."


Then it was the turn of Sta-Kaidan, eagerly await by the entire Kansai punk scene. From the Stalin side the line-up was Michiro, Shintaro, some guitarist I can't remember, and Jun on drums - he had already left the band but had agreed to return just for this performance (afterwards he was to rejoin The Stalin on a permanent basis). From Hijokaidan the line-up was Jojo, Oka, Yuka, Woo, and Hayashi. While The Stalin played songs such as The Jacks "Marianne" that had been selected by Michiro, Oka upended buckets of fermented beans, raw fish, milk, eggs and god knows what else over his head. In order to avoid defeat The Stalin also started throwing around chicken carcasses and a pig's head, and more buckets and flooring segments came flying from the audience. The Seibu Kodo and the 800 audience members dissolved into total anarchy. When a bucket thrown by someone in the audience hit me on the head, Hayashi charged out into the melee swinging a shovel. However this kind of chaos had been warmly anticipated by the audience and I believe that both they and the bands both enjoyed the show. I have very little memory of what we actually sounded like. Before the gig we had decided that this was to be a strictly one-off affair and so we purposely agreed not to record or video what happened. The event had grown out of the friendship between Hijokaidan and The Stalin and so we wanted to avoid it being turned into a commodity at some later date. Another episode that sticks in my memory - we had bought some shovels to use on stage, and after the rehearsal Hayashi and I put our heads together and dug a pit in the garden behind the venue. Ishibashi, one of the staff from the Seibu Kodo was good enough to fall into our pit twice - a comedy classic that still raises a laugh to this day.

(okay there's no point in this post except for furthering the minor mention of crazy Japanese musician antics)

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Guest Airjamie

Dude thats nothing. Back when BURZUM.COM and heathen front were going he was writing articles insisting that white people were all from another planet where they used magic and shit. Dude is fucked, ve got a copy of his book vargsmal but uh its in norwegian and fuck if i can read that shit.

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White people ARE from anotha' planet ...

where they use magic n shit .. shit - and use .. magic !

doesn't that sound JUST like white people ? shit on everyone they can and use the rest


you guys do know 90% of London was built by slaves right ? yea stfu ..

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someone please remind me...

it was jeff hanneman who played the solos that were a lot of notes strung together...and kerry king who played dive bombs and squeals...or was it the other way around....granted dave lombardo is the devils drummer...raining blood is nigh on perfect...

i still maintain that i want this guy playing to keep all those hard won souls...


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