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normally i'd do the "let me see yours first routine" but i'm tired and about to go to bed so i'll just post. let it be said that I've never had a job that required me to wear a tie, and the field i was in, interviews were very informal, so these are the ones I've worn more often than not. I'm not a huge tie guy, these are just ones i like.


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where's waldo tie

calvin klein

thai elephants

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too busy studying to take pics. But worth mentioning, I have a few solid color Brionis, a couple Bergdorf house labels of various conservative stripe or dot patterns, a choc. brown Hermes, and one obnoxious orange Ferragamo. And like 10 or so other mid-range to cheap ties I've received as gifts that are nothing interesting.

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normally i'd do the "let me see yours first routine" but i'm tired and about to go to bed so i'll just post. let it be said that I've never had a job that required me to wear a tie, and the field i was in, interviews were very informal, so these are the ones I've worn more often than not. I'm not a huge tie guy, these are just ones i like.


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where's waldo tie

calvin klein

thai elephants

where's waldo.. classic.

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I have a skinnier black APC tie, it's pretty crappy actually but I never wear ties and it gets the job done. Where I live, black ties are actually a social no-no, people are always asking me who died...

it's that way in america too. people just seem to ignore that fact when they wear black ties.

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This seems like the right place to ask this, and I've been shopping around for ties lately and it's got me wondering.. what justifies some of the astronomical price differences in ties? I know that seemingly identical articles of clothing can have such large gaps due to construction, materials, fit etc., but how much money can one tie cost to produce? There is only so much material involved, and so much you can do with the, er, "fit," so what is it? Are there other factors that go into this or is a Dior Homme tie $160 simply because of the label, like I'm assuming right now?

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The finest quality ties are seven-fold; so-named because the piece of silk is folded a certain way seven times into its shape. The tie has no inter-lining.

As well, the quality of print and silks also depend. Most designer ties are of middling quality. The best ties are by names such as Drakes, Charvet, Nicky, and oddly Bulgari does a nice albeit tacky one.

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I'm not entirely familiar with denim, but seven-folds generally do imply more handwork and they do seem to be the exclusive domain of quality makers unlike say, pick-stitching on suits which even Banana Republic does.

Indeed, seven-folds are very large and rather bulky; sometimes, one is reminded of a recovering Robb Report reader. Personally I prefer a thinner more compact.

Hermes has unfortunately in certain cases been tainted by association by those of stock-brokering persuasions, especially in New York.

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