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Rockabilly and Denim


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I'm curious..

Does anybody here listen to Rockabilly?

Here's the reason I ask..

I feel like as though so much of what many of us are into in terms of fashion so closely ties into Roots/Americana/Rockailly music that it's odd that we draw the line at music.

Ever been to a rockabilly show? every single guy and girl at the show is wearing cuffed selvedge denim, long wallets, thick leather belts, boots, etc..

We consider those things to be so closely held to us and others within our fashion circle, but in reality there's an entire musical genre that dresses like that from the belt down.


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I'm curious..

Does anybody here listen to Rockabilly?

Here's the reason I ask..

I feel like as though so much of what many of us are into in terms of fashion so closely ties into Roots/Americana/Rockailly music that it's odd that we draw the line at music.

Ever been to a rockabilly show? every single guy and girl at the show is wearing cuffed selvedge denim, long wallets, thick leather belts, boots, etc..

We consider those things to be so closely held to us and others within our fashion circle, but in reality there's an entire musical genre that dresses like that from the belt down.


i'm sorry, but this gets an enormous "duh."

rockabilly kids are bygone-era fetishists that latched onto the 50s; they have a uniform, they sport it, and certain items (sturdy workwear) happen to overlap with things many superfuture members appreciate.

as my mom is wont to say: "big whoop."

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Is gothabilly the rockabilly equivalent of like Uncle John and Whitelock / "horror r&b" or whatever they call it, because if so:


Yes. Actually, if we didn't want to be persnickety, Uncle John and Whitelock can be considered a gothabilly group.

I highly recommend the Cramps if you're a fan of UJ&W.

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Yes. Actually, if we didn't want to be persnickety, Uncle John and Whitelock can be considered a gothabilly group.

I highly recommend the Cramps if you're a fan of UJ&W.

Yeah, yeah, the Cramps are good. I like UJ&W a little more, I think it might be the singer. It's hard to find stuff like this, but it might be one of my favorite niche genres.

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I have a feeling that much of what is appriciated in this vein on here, is based on the japanese take on rockabilly style, and taken to a more fashion concious extreme.

The real rockabilly people I guess pretty much wear it as a sub culture uniform.

But what really is the roots of the long wallet/braid thing?

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My hairdresser is a Teddy Boy. He was wearing some chinos at the time, but saw my selvedge edge and wanted to talk jeans. He said all of his friends are into Levis, Lees, and some other denim brand I cant remember. He also has some Edwins as well, he says.

He also made a point to say that he doesnt like Greasers, which I think was pretty funny cuz I couldnt tell the difference...

Theres actually a pretty big rockabilly following in Pompey...

As for myself, I love the music, all the 1950s Rockabilly, Punkabilly, Psychobilly, Horror Punk, Surf Guitar, and all the other subgenres of classic Rock n Roll.

I also like Leather, Denim, Greasy ass hair, and Cars and motorcycles, so I guess I should be pretty Rockabilly... unfortunately my budget only allows for the Denim (and the hair)... haha

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I have a feeling that much of what is appriciated in this vein on here, is based on the japanese take on rockabilly style, and taken to a more fashion concious extreme.

The real rockabilly people I guess pretty much wear it as a sub culture uniform.

But what really is the roots of the long wallet/braid thing?

I think this is on the right track. I do not think most here (if any, and then mostly from coincidence) are interested in this culture. I think more so the images have just overlapped for the time being. Coincidence, like if space suits became fashionable, and everybody was wearing them. Not all would be interested in going to the moon and real cosmonauts would not stop wearing space suits.

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