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Startmeup jeans giveaway raffle


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i will give away and ship one brand new pair of denim under $300 to the lucky person able to guess or come closest to my number from 1 to 1000. your jeans will come around early april. this is for real. this will end march 1st. begin guessing now.

Guesses so far:

2 ruach

4 westside

7 ktouran6923

11 CaptMomo

12 tedsu

13 Dexstar

14 goldengloves

17 poly800rock

23 StuckOnStupid

31 interp

39 SanLC

42 Konfucius

66 denimdestroyedmylife

69 Carl

69 dobolina

87 sunny

87 cornedbeef

88 ijiji

91 Analog

91 mrip

99 Joe

101 itsmeJT

111 Darkadious

112 dismalfuture

118 veedub

119 callmecarlito

123 horriblyjollyjinx

125 machineo

129 Alvahroe

137 gehun

157 Bandwagonesque

157 thorns

167 glenn

202 Akura

212 zehero

212 showbiz2000ditc

217 JM

219 w00tah

219 countchocula8

227 lavarat

228 doctorgnar

230 junglejane

231 SammyYou

235 onemancult

235 onemancult

240 shinobi2000

240 fallenangels

243 shinchrono

276 cheapmuthafukr

289 mrjuby

305 votefornara

314 hailxenu

317 ironXcrayon

321 moy

333 phen3N

335 fadetoblack2

345 mswilliam

348 supercrap

349 Klaas

349 diamonds

351 swooc

357 englandmj7

373 tyro1

387 still

401 sean

404 demronick

412 cprotch

415 sidneylo

441 samsikle

444 holotekor

458 servo2000

467 Tob

500 DJFlame

501 tarmac

512 chizzua

512 mikelowrey

530 touchthesky

541 diewhitegirls

559 Brinbro


568 braidkid

569 cultpop0217

576 majikero

604 nettiemoore

624 tweedlesinpink

627 MrCalvinOscar

630 vincent

647 herpsky

650 chromesquared

661 sycamorenomore

666 digitaldenim

678 johnmilner

698 damnlam

700 DUM

700 william

701 holeinthewall

702 paradigmshift

707 bluespring

714 discoo

718 bapelol

726 Nahman

751 canice

763 Naturaljax

763 naturaljax

766 alterion

769 so-so

777 GoodHustle

783 andewhall

789 freedomfighter

817 Dangydang

820 Prima

845 crillz

867 mwrenchd

868 viv1984viv

875 sbw4224

888 snugglepony

899 bmang

905 highcontrast

908 ko

911 Superstar

917 kasper

958 jsn

989 Downwithianbrown

999 djrajio

999 dryice

999.99 Roulette

1000 Fuuma

1000 Tisswat


Snugglepony was kind enough to sort them/

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