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Male Modeling


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With such a fashion conscious, progressive community as Superfuture, there has to be some guys out there who have ventured into the territory of male modeling. Experiences, current situations, etc. would be wonderful. Also, I'd really love to hear some words of advice aside from the run-of-the-mill modeling hints/tips/whatever.

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There used to be no distinction between the two. And even now, I suspect there isn't much, given how fashion shows are mostly controlled by gay men and asexual women.

He's quoting a song by Handsome Boy Modeling School. I'm not a model myself, but now plenty of people who are, and the general consensus is that it can be pretty fun if you don't take it too seriously or try and make a career out of it.

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Handsome Boy Modeling School... mmmhm.

Thanks for the great feedback, kids.

I've been pretty interested in at least trying the whole modeling thing, but I'm sure if I have the "model" look. With the rise of skinny guys modeling for brands like Dior Homme, I'm trying to figure how skinny is skinny enough and how the fact factors into things. I'm not exactly a pretty boy, I just like clothes and struting.

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modeling just sucks... they made me take off my top. i'm a male model, not a male prostitute.

some basic tips for being a male model:

first: excell with the XL

and then: call your crew on your nextell

and then: everything you do you do it well

and then: party all night and rest well

just some tips from the pros.

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I did modeling for a while but I was told I was only giving one look. I honestly didn't know what people were talking about, I mean, 'el tigre', 'blue steel', 'magnum', I was the most versatile male model out in the biz. Just goes to show you not everyone knows talent when they see it.

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you get paid a fuckload of money. count me in!

You dont get paid a fuckton of money because you're a guy... girls are different.

Modeling is pretty much my only job now. I think a lot of people have misconceptions on the lives models live. It's not glamourous or anything, at least not from what I've seen. Most successful guys I've met are just normal people, the majority don't care much about fashion.

I'm modeling in Tokyo and from what I gather from my friends, the situation is much more different here. For example, a normal photoshoot for a magazine (around 1 to 4 cuts) pays around 200~350$ while in Europe youget like 100 euros. On the other hand commercials pay a lot more. Commercial work is where the money is, editorial work doesn't pay much. I know guys that have gotten thousands of dollars, up to 6 digits amounts, for a few days of work only for big campaigns. Then again, I'm a lanky mofo so I never get anything but editorial work haha.

The best way to get started is just to go to agencies in your area, if they think they can make some money with you, they'll send you around the world. It's more difficult to get started as you get older, but give it a shot!

It's quite fun to do really and you get to meet a bunch of cool people (a bunch of idiots too though). I don't think I'll keep doing it for much longer becuase I want to return home and work on my projects, but if I were, I'd totally move to europe, it seems much better there.

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It went well, they even put me up on their website the next day. They promote the guys from europe a lot more since they invest a lot of cash in them to make them come here... it's cool though.

I have a pretty good casting tomorrow for a year long campaign for a MAJOR company (I pretty much fit what they want perfect, down to the language so I'm excited to see how it'll go at the casting). You might have see my face on tv for a while haha.

Oh, and I should be free this saturday... might have a shoot this sunday. Send me an email!!

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modeling just sucks... they made me take off my top. i'm a male model, not a male prostitute.

you don't know how many e-props i'm going to give you for that.



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You dont get paid a fuckton of money because you're a guy... girls are different.

Modeling is pretty much my only job now. I think a lot of people have misconceptions on the lives models live. It's not glamourous or anything, at least not from what I've seen. Most successful guys I've met are just normal people, the majority don't care much about fashion.

I'm modeling in Tokyo and from what I gather from my friends, the situation is much more different here. For example, a normal photoshoot for a magazine (around 1 to 4 cuts) pays around 200~350$ while in Europe youget like 100 euros. On the other hand commercials pay a lot more. Commercial work is where the money is, editorial work doesn't pay much. I know guys that have gotten thousands of dollars, up to 6 digits amounts, for a few days of work only for big campaigns. Then again, I'm a lanky mofo so I never get anything but editorial work haha.

The best way to get started is just to go to agencies in your area, if they think they can make some money with you, they'll send you around the world. It's more difficult to get started as you get older, but give it a shot!

It's quite fun to do really and you get to meet a bunch of cool people (a bunch of idiots too though). I don't think I'll keep doing it for much longer becuase I want to return home and work on my projects, but if I were, I'd totally move to europe, it seems much better there.

Dude we're have you been, I'm missing some Quebecois posts in here and on SZ!

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when my girlfriend lived in southbeach she was friends with a few models and hung out with them & shit. She said about 85% of the models (women and men) were either gay or bisexual. And extacyor cocaine were the drug of choice. but again she mostly hung out with her girlfriends and this was early 2000 when x was big. so who knows what its like now. maybe the same. she said the pay is not all that.

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I was picked from the streets and did a small photoshoot here in North Sydney during highschool, but due to an old fashioned father, I was to focus on my studies. Although my mom wanted me to take it on.

6 years later, I sort of regret not pursuing it, because it was a dream, but it was kind of a shock realising how much effort and time was placed in modeling.

I actually was tired after several hours.

Lately though, the girls at work's Singapore and China office want me to try my luck there.

Pay wasn't too bad for a 16 year old's start.

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Just remember that you don't have to be "beautiful", any look is in demand.

That was one of my biggest concerns. I'm not fugly, but I'm definitely far from having the classic, male model look. A friend told me that I'm skinny and have style, so that's probably enough to get me started. I really wouldn't have a problem with traveling the world and never being around family or real friends... I'd probably enjoy it more than anything.

We'll see. Anyone done modeling in Chicago?

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I "modeled" for a school "fashion show" once, and that's about as far as I'd be willing to go.

A friend got a modeling job at an agency when he still lived in Austria. He moved to NYC for college and still has the job. 3 weeks ago, they paid him 2000 Euros + Flight + expenses to come to Vienna for a weekend.

I would never consider modeling as an exclusive career, but rather as a way to make extra money. After all, most models don't last very long.

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why does everyone think being skinny is the new holy grail to modeling?

read to much articles about hedi slimane? cause he's the only one that uses really skinny ones, and they're not models, they're just kids he picks up on the streets that after the dior show never model again.

this is true.

the models that are actually used in multiple shows are super-chiseled motherfuckers.

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