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His movement was not unlike Ronaldinho's swivel of his hips and firing the goal passed Carvalho and Cech after misleading them at Stamford Bridge 3 seasons ago but Lamps was 10 times faster.

Is that the toe-poke? I hate that goal.

Oh, anyway Big Fat Sam for England.

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Oh, anyway Big Fat Sam for England.

I fucking hate big fat fucking Sam and his big fat head. I'm so glad we beat them today. He was so pissed on the sideline, fans were yelling at him for the stupid substitutions he made. He's a first class prick who can't keep his mouth shut. Someone would have to be mental to pick him for england job.

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Is that the toe-poke? I hate that goal.

Oh, anyway Big Fat Sam for England.

Sam oh Sam! He got slammed by the Geordies big time. He made the Reebok a fortress and with lesser players. Why cant he do it for Newcastle arena? He is getting exposed as fighting way above his weight class.

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doesn't matter that carson played in the austrian friendly. most vital game of the entire qualifiers, and you give it to a keeper who hasn't played in any of the other qualifying games, with the pressure of the keeping the whole nation satisfied by trying to make sure no balls go by him in the RAIN. I had my money that carson was gonna drop something, I wasn't surprised at all.

He probably wanted someone not prone to stupid errors and skipped Robbo and James. For weeks and months, Carson shined in BPL and many pundits were saying he is the best English goal keeper. But all changed their tack after seeing the croatia match.

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I am guessing Big Sam isn't used to having a bit of cash to play with (and the added pressure that might come with it) or actually having to have his side perform/ entertain (Keegan era stuff) in front of a stadium thats more than half full. He's come up the hard way and credit it due to the guy. He used to manage Limerick City over here, to get to wear he is today is certainly impressive ... personally I think more managers in the game should have to do that; prove themselves at lower levels before getting the big position. Too many big players seem to just be able to walk into big jobs ... its all about respect and connections as opposed to proven ability. The same managers who fail from job one to job five continue to be employed; its madness ... just look at Bryan Robson.

Anyway Allardyce has been forced to work on shoe string budgets before this. He's been forced to play direct physical football with the odd flair player who's on the way out (with except - Anelka etc.) up to this point. I really would like to see him prove that he can adapt his methods to a potentially more expansive role. Maybe he won't get the time though at this rate.

By the way, what's with the 'BPL' ... you working for Barclays my friend? :P

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By the way, what's with the 'BPL' ... you working for Barclays my friend? :P

I think they renamed it since Barclays sponsors them. So we gotta respect them.

Have a feeling Mike Ashley might want Sam out if he continues to flop especially at home. Ashley already lost a ton of expected profits when England crashed out of Euro 2008 so he wont feel generous. I also wonder when will they pull the plug on Owen who is always ridiculously injured all the time?

And in a supreme piece of irony, on the same day Sam got his ass creamed, Bolton scored the first victory over Man U in 30 years. You gotta blame Pique for that rash jump but where was Ronaldo? Ferguson really underestimated Bolton. They were really in Man U's faces the whole time. Teams like Arsenal better beware a resurgent Bolton.

Also, Rafa is mad to ask for more money after spending quite a bit in the summer and over the past years he is in Liverpool and yet he dont have the results to show for yet. The Americans need the money to fund the new stadium and they would be looking at Wenger's and Arsenal's model.

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You can't blame the keeper. If you look back at a majority of performances by England the keeper has taken the full blame. James has bobbled a shitload as well as Robinson but not only are the keepers not playing to their skill levels but the field players are playing like shit. Its like England doesn't give a shit.

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He should really consider managing England. He took porto to the champions league a couple years ago when the year before they were midgroup and he changed chelsea into winners. I know he does not want to but it would regain him a good reputation considering a lot of the local supporters are pissed at his antics for Chelsea and causing crap in the papers.

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He should really consider managing England. He took porto to the champions league a couple years ago when the year before they were midgroup and he changed chelsea into winners. I know he does not want to but it would regain him a good reputation considering a lot of the local supporters are pissed at his antics for Chelsea and causing crap in the papers.

Managing national teams is a different issue.

Although you have a larger pool to pick from, you have to deal with politics from the clubs unhappy about using their players, you have to gel your players who dont even train together regularly. You have to deal with the English media scrutiny which chased others like Scolari away.

Rumoured that Liverpool approached Jose too which I think is untrue because I believe the terms of him getting a big Chelsea pay off is that he cant manage another english club so soon.

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Inter may focus more on Scudetto and rubbing it in AC's face than winning Champs League. 2 seasons ago, Cappello pushed Juve to exhaustion by collecting as many 3 points as they can in Serie A than getting Champs League gold.

Ibrahimovic's goal was a joy ... switched it over from Barca-Lyon just as he picked up the cross. I love Sky multi-match or whatever its official title is.

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He probably wanted someone not prone to stupid errors and skipped Robbo and James. For weeks and months, Carson shined in BPL and many pundits were saying he is the best English goal keeper. But all changed their tack after seeing the croatia match.

it was a classic too little, too late move, a la walcott in the world cup squad. robbo doesn't make stupid errors, he's just had zero confidence after the last penalty shootout against portugal. there's a difference and one that may plague carson for seasons to come.

mr. bung for england, that's a laugh

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it was a classic too little, too late move, a la walcott in the world cup squad. robbo doesn't make stupid errors, he's just had zero confidence after the last penalty shootout against portugal.

Please tell me you're a Spurs fan or maybe someone admiring Robbo from a Leeds United perspective. Another week in the premiership another 'wonder' goal scored past Paul Robinson. I haven't seen Ivan Campo score too many since his fourty yard daisy cutter last year. Claude Makelele's record of 2 in 130 odd games for Chelsea wouldn't really have filled Blues fans with confidence as he was preparing to beat the Spurs keeper from 25 yards. His mistakes against Germany, Russia, JAR and Nicky Shorey for Reading last year ... slow reactions or laspes in concentration as I see it.

Could never fault the man for the goal in Croatia or he certainly doesn't seem to hide after all the errors but to continue to pick a player how continues to make errors would surely be wrong. James and Green especially seeing as he is still pretty young could be sounder options. Then again Green made a nice big error hurting his chances last weekend quite brilliantly against Robbo's Spurs.

This is all a bit last week now anyway isn't it? World Cup qualifiers should be fun though ... England really have to get it right against Croatia this time; I reckon they will, but I thought they'd beat them at Wembley last week too.

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it was a classic too little, too late move, a la walcott in the world cup squad. robbo doesn't make stupid errors, he's just had zero confidence after the last penalty shootout against portugal. there's a difference and one that may plague carson for seasons to come.

mr. bung for england, that's a laugh

Well, Robbo sucked big time for Spurs as well as there were all those stupid errors like Neville's back pass to him at Croatia that hit a bump on the field and went in to Robbos' dismay.

Redknapp made tons of good buys and can turn duds into something worthwhile.

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This is all a bit last week now anyway isn't it? World Cup qualifiers should be fun though ... England really have to get it right against Croatia this time; I reckon they will, but I thought they'd beat them at Wembley last week too.

Beck's vow to seek revenge on Croatia is ridiculous considering nothing has improved since their getting whipped by them.

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General manager improved, surely they can't do worse than the last one.

McClaren is blamed for poor and late subs and bad selection (Lamps and Gerrard) but given his choice is limited ie. no Rooney, Owen, Terry, Rio I dont know how much better they will be against Croatian next year.

England played insipidly and were walking despite trailing in the first half. Unless better training and motivation is given, England will continue to slip. They will find a bottom to the barrel.

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Please tell me you're a Spurs fan or maybe someone admiring Robbo from a Leeds United perspective. Another week in the premiership another 'wonder' goal scored past Paul Robinson. I haven't seen Ivan Campo score too many since his fourty yard daisy cutter last year. Claude Makelele's record of 2 in 130 odd games for Chelsea wouldn't really have filled Blues fans with confidence as he was preparing to beat the Spurs keeper from 25 yards. His mistakes against Germany, Russia, JAR and Nicky Shorey for Reading last year ... slow reactions or laspes in concentration as I see it.

Could never fault the man for the goal in Croatia or he certainly doesn't seem to hide after all the errors but to continue to pick a player how continues to make errors would surely be wrong. James and Green especially seeing as he is still pretty young could be sounder options. Then again Green made a nice big error hurting his chances last weekend quite brilliantly against Robbo's Spurs.

i didn't say robbo was error free, i was just indicating a difference between errors due to loss of form / lack of confidence and the calamity james type "stupid errors" which relate more to a chronic mental condition than loss of form. that said, i would have started james against croatia all things considered.

now that you mention spurs, his positioning and distribution have gone to complete crap but his reaction saves are still second to none. commolli's failure to find an adequate replacement for carrick has deeply exposed the ledley-less back four (whom jol had bombing up forward at every chance); almost every wonder goal scored against him was due to poor defending and robbo could do nothing about (well, except maybe the campo one).

he is going through a rough patch but will hopefully find his way back as tim howard has done.

and i think we all agree but even a 6 year old is coached to put back passes off target, guess the neville sisters never got the note.

and yes i support spurs if you haven't figured that out yet...

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Ronaldo's free kick was aaaaaaamazing.


I hate to seemingly argue with ever second post in this thread but it was poor goalkeeping wasn't it?! The keeper has one area to protect and just as Ronaldo is about to hit it he takes a step to his right leaving his side of the goal empty and once the ball leaves Ronaldo's foot he's stranded.

Ronaldo's a great player but I don't think he should take the free kicks for United they always seem a bit hit and hope, no real finesse. Basically he whacks 'em and 8/10 they end up off target or in the wall which really isn't goal enough.

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So just saw the shortlist for the FIFA World Player of the Year award




What does everyone think. Kaka's the favourite since he's won the Champions League last season. Personally I think Ronaldo's the most complete player and I don't think Kaka's form has been as impressive as the end of last season this time round. He's scored a few penalties for Milan ... but I haven't been following that closely either. Like to see Messi win. Such an exciting player. The way he can beat a defender is incredible ... pretty much from a standing start.

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ronaldo probably did the best in last years world cup out of the 3. messi was overwhelmed and kaka (like the rest of brazil) had a terrible cup. as far as league play, i would give a tie to ronaldo and messi.

but, with all of that said, kaka by far hands down wins by a landslide due to his champions league play. he just took over games, kind of like how zidane did in the world cup last year. kaka's ferocious speed of play just dominated games and killed liverpool in the championship.

kaka will win.

So just saw the shortlist for the FIFA World Player of the Year award




What does everyone think. Kaka's the favourite since he's won the Champions League last season. Personally I think Ronaldo's the most complete player and I don't think Kaka's form has been as impressive as the end of last season this time round. He's scored a few penalties for Milan ... but I haven't been following that closely either. Like to see Messi win. Such an exciting player. The way he can beat a defender is incredible ... pretty much from a standing start.

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