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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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This has been most disappointing

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.


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i seen yall jigs wantin to see an internets argument but afraid to start your own

watch and learn

ebn0095o or whatever the fuck his gay ass username is dresses like westside if westside stopped going to kfc and was in a band performing at the knitting factory four or five years ago

n!gg@ what

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cos x dries

im gonna say something there,

I <3 whit.

youre not whit.

AS OF THESE DAYS asian women in high fashuns do nothing absoutely nothing for me infact I dont even notice them (white girls just rock it so much better), BUT I HATE TO HATE therefore

i dont know maybe its the glasses but you dont look confident so your fit FEELS like mervyns swag PLUS the reflection of the LAME with the fedora taking your picture makes me think you uncool. TRY A LiTTLE HARDER BuT PERSONALLY>

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CdG hat, Dries scarf, Lanvin shirt, Cos T-shirt, H&M pants, vintage shoes

once again proof that clothes cant buy a look. so uncool looking, so uncool. (aware this dynamic duo is support 4 echothr

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i like it.

kinda dainty feeling.

cmon waffs, she looks like she has nothing deeply interesting to say that someone hasnt already told her




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ccccccombo BREAKER

ahahaahahaaa. nice try noob!! ;p

I love how people still do the hap and bizzy even long after hap and bizzy have stopped doing the hap and bizzy.

I'm on break now but working the whole day..someone do cliff notes for me later?

edit- <3 you too gouf .. BUT while I'm not in love with beautyfake's fit I think that dress and blazer combo is fine.

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bona drag is too hood.. cant take him anywhere nice. u try and have a meal at a nice restaurant and he does something stupid i duno im not hood so i have no idea what goes on in there but im sure by the time we were having our entree something entirely unpleasant would happen.

hmm talk about owned ? >: )

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no real offense, but ur not that attractive looking of a guy

landho du chill out ur one of my fav older guy posters, just capitalizing on your stutter step woulda said that to anybody asking for it. u have a mega dome and you know it dont front boy

whit <3

i cant take it back, i dont like thick frames, think ppl hide behind them like fedoras. thick frames are stagnant thinking right now lets all move forward YEA GUYS??

think sister suz is abit of a ham, not sure if i met her in real life how id feel, generally only <3 whit as my internet girl (sam close 2nd, julz i miss our latenight phone se--- but ur marriend now) no opinion on tg, is she cute? tg is a she? wtf?



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